Issue - decisions

Future Management Arrangements for the Council's Culture and Sport Service

17/02/2015 - Future Management Arrangements for the Council's Culture and Sport Service

Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Note the range of options available for the future management of culture and sport services;


(ii)  Agree, in principle, that culture and sport services shall transfer to a new model of operation;


(iii)  Approve the formation of a Trust (non-profit distributing organisation) to deliver a range of health and wellbeing services;


(iv)  Agree that the Council will play an active part in the new Trust through nominations by the Leader of the Council to the Board of the Trust;


(v)  Agree that the Trust shall become operational on or as soon as possible after 1 January 2016;


(vi)  Agree that one-off revenue expenditure of up to £250,000 be allocated from the £500,000 contingency identified within the use of General Fund reserves for invest to save initiatives, to meet the legal and other costs associated with transferring the services to the new Trust; and


(vii)  Note that prior to implementation a further report shall be presented to Cabinet setting out the services to be commissioned from the Trust, the expected outcomes and the financial arrangements.