Issue - decisions

Primary Care Strategic Commissioning Framework

12/02/2015 - Strategic Commissioning Framework for Primary Care Transformation in London

Received the report and presentation from which the Board noted that NHS England felt the framework would:


·  Provide better joined up care and the right investment in better premises


·  Improve accountability as it set out clearer expectations and people could raise concerns with NHS England.


The Board:


(i)  Reminded NHS England of the need to ensure that local provision meets the Borough’s needs and that it does not grow to become a recreation of Outer North East London (ONEL) and raised and noted NHS England’s assurances in regard to new co-commissioning being shared between NHS England, CCG and the Council.


(ii)  Raised its concerns in regards to the accountability of GPs / GP practices and their delivery of services.


(ii)  Raised concern about the number of health professionals, particularly GPs that would be required by LBBD and surrounding boroughs in the next five to ten years and noted the reassurance given by NHS England to their activity to meet demand.