Issue - decisions

Revisions to the Care and Support Charging Policy

10/12/2015 - Revisions to the Care and Support Charging Policy

(i)  Having noted:


·  The LBBD Cabinet had agreed that the Council would consult on revisions to the Care and Support Charging Policy in the following areas where discretion can be applied:


o  The level of the disability related expenditure (DRE) disregard automatically applied to the financial assessment;


o  The principle of charging for care and support services provided to a carer who meets the eligibility criteria for services in their own right;


·  The LBBD Cabinet had agreed that the Council should consult on the proposed introduction of arrangements whereby some or all of a Disabled Facilities Grant may be recoverable via the placing of a local land charge where a person in receipt of a grant had a financial interest in the property, in line with the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996, in order to regularise the position and to support the growth of the scheme;


·  A further report would be presented to the LBBD Cabinet in February 2016 advising on the outcome of the public consultation and, if necessary this would include a draft policy for LBBD Cabinet approval; and


(ii)  The Board supported the consultation and noted that a further report would be presented to the Board in due course.