Issue - decisions

Public Health Programmes Board Assurance Report

28/04/2016 - Public Health Programme Board Strategic Delivery Plan Update

The Board


(i)  Noted the report;


(ii)  Requested that Health and Social Care Commissioners provide performance updates as part of the Board’s quarterly performance report on the measures being taken to prevent Health Care Associated Infections within both the hospital and community settings.


(iii)  Requested that Public Health England to provide a quarterly performance report on the actions to improve coverage figures for immunisation and antenatal screening, including the sickle cell testing rates for at risk expectant mothers by 10 weeks gestation;

(iv)  Requested that the NHS agreed clear arrangements to manage babies moving into the area without full newborn screening;


(v)  Requested NHS England provide details to the Strategic Director, Service Development and Integration, within seven working days, of a proactive plan to urgently obtain BCG vaccination supplies and details of the national and London resilience plans in regards to this and any further vaccination supply shortages;


(vi)  Reminded partners that Breast Screening provision locally had been raised previously and still need to be included.