Issue - decisions

Stepping Up - The Future of Health and Wellbeing Board (H&WB) Integration

05/07/2017 - Stepping Up: The Future of Health and Wellbeing Board

The Board noted a report summarising the outcomes of the workshop held in January 2017 which was arranged to review the current state and future of the Health and Wellbeing Board and focused on developing a stronger narrative on the history of health and social care integration in Barking and Dagenham.


Subsequent discussions have taken place on the future direction and vision of the Board, and how it can deliver better health and wellbeing outcomes for residents of Barking and Dagenham through reframing the operation of the Board. There was a consensus that the best way forward would be for the business of this Board to be conducted with:


-  Fewer, more substantive items and less routine operational business;

-  A stronger emphasis on ensuring a place for discussion about system interventions, principally the BHR; Integrated Care Partnership and the East London Health & Care Partnership (the Sustainability & Transformation Plan);

-  Consideration to reviewing the timing of meetings, and

-  A refreshed substructure for the Board


A report will be brought before the Board in September 201 further outlining the changing the direction of the Board and presenting the integration narrative outlined above, and reflecting any additional proposals or challenges which may be identified.