Issue - decisions

The Cancer Prevention, Awareness and Early Detection Scrutiny Review 2016/17

06/09/2017 - Cancer Prevention, Awareness and Early Detection Scrutiny Review 2016/17

The Board:


(i)  Accepted the Cancer Prevention, Awareness and Early Detection Scrutiny Review 2016/17 findings and report of the Health and Adult Services Select Committee, as set out in Appendix A to the report;


(ii)  Accepted the Action Plan as set out in Appendix A to the report;


(iii)  Agree to receive six-monthly progress reports on the delivery of the action plan; and


(iv)   Suggested that that it would wish to see:


(a)  Other local employers being encouraged to take up the Healthy Workforce Programme, for example through the local Chamber of Commerce.


(b)  A higher percentage of funding being directed towards educating the public of signs and symptoms that need to be checked and why attending and participating in testing is vital. 


(c)  The language used in the publication materials and interactions with partnership staff to be looked at critically to ensure that they make sense to hard to reach communities and are culturally acceptable.


(d)  The cultural acceptability of testing options are considered in order to increase the take-up of early diagnosis tests.


(e)  The local provision for testing should be continued in order to encourage attendance and that the quality of those testing resource needs to be maintained to a high standard. 


With this in mind requested that a map of the borough showing the take-up of testing due to geographical accessibility be included in future monitoring reports.