Issue - decisions

Deed of Variation for the Barking and Dagenham Section 75 Agreement for the Better Care Fund 2017-18

18/01/2018 - Deed of Variation for the Barking and Dagenham Section 75 Agreement for the Better Care Fund 2017-18

The Board:


(i)  Agreed to the retrospective expenditure which has taken place during this financial year, and agree to continue the section 75 Agreement (Pooled Fund) with NHS Barking and Dagenham Clinical Commissioning Group (“BDCCG”), on the terms and conditions outlined in this report, along with any ancillary legal agreements (i.e. the Deed of Variation) necessary for the joint administration of the Better Care Fund Plan for Barking and Dagenham;


(ii)  Delegated authority to the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Social Care and Health Integration and the Director of Law & Governance, to approve the Deed of Variation for 2017/18; and


(iii)  Agreed, in principal, that a Section 75 agreement for 2018/19 would be pursued jointly with Havering and Redbridge, and note that a further request for delegated authority will be brought to the Board in due course.