Issue - decisions

Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy Policy

17/10/2018 - Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy Policy

The Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Agree the establishment of a grants programme for the distribution of the NCIL and the draft NCIL scoring criteria;


(ii)  Agree the establishment of a Residents Panel to input into decisions on the allocation of NCIL;


(iii)  Delegate authority to the Director of Policy and Participation, in consultation with the Director of Inclusive Growth, the Cabinet Member for Community Leadership and Engagement, the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Social Housing and the Cabinet Member Finance, Performance and Core Services, to approve NCIL bids of up to £200,000 in any one bid submission period and to take the necessary steps to adjust the process, as appropriate, as NCIL embedded in the Borough;


(iv)  Agree to use NCIL to create an endowment, which would fund community projects long term; and


(v)  Note that the NCIL decisions being sought were relevant to the emerging resident and community-led Local Giving model.