Issue - decisions

Vision for Barking Riverside Health and Wellbeing Hub

01/10/2018 - Development of Barking Riverside Health and Wellbeing Hub - Outputs of Board Workshop

The Board noted the outcome of the first of a series of workshops convened to look at the high-level outcomes as part of the development of the health and wellbeing approach at Barking Riverside, including the design specification for the Health and Wellbeing Hub as part of the new district centre. A note summarising the outcomes of the workshop will be available alongside the Board minutes. 


The Chair stressed that this Board and its health partners cannot afford to miss the opportunity to develop a unique and innovative model of health care for local residents. This was echoed by Dr John who stated that colleagues at the CCG are excited and refreshed about the plans for the location and are hopeful that partners can and will deliver. 


It was noted that updates would be given at future meetings on the emerging shape of the health and wellbeing programme for the locality.