Issue - decisions

Future Use of Pondfield Road Depot, Wantz Road, Dagenham

18/03/2020 - Proposed Disposal of Pondfield House Depot, Wantz Road, Dagenham

Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Approve the disposal of Pondfield House Depot, Wantz Road, Dagenham, as shown edged red in the plan at Appendix 1 to the report, to LocatED Property Limited (the Government-owned property company responsible for acquiring sites for new schools) for the sum set out in Appendix 2 to the report, in order for the site to be developed as a Special School for pupils with Severe Learning Difficulties and Autism underpinning the Council’s School Place Planning Strategy;


(ii)  Approve the entering into of a short-term peppercorn lease agreement (without security of tenure) co-terminus with the period that the site becomes vacant and the disposal is completed with LocatED, which minimises the Council risk to the site whilst vacant;


(iii)  Delegate authority to the Chief Operating Officer, in consultation with the Director of Law and Governance and the Cabinet Member for Finance, Performance and Core Services, to agree the final terms and contract documentation to fully implement and effect the short-term lease and sale of the site; and


(iv)  Authorise the Director of Law and Governance, or an authorised delegate on her behalf, to execute all the legal agreements, contracts and other documents on behalf of the Council.