Issue - decisions

Revenue Budget Monitoring 2020/21 (Period 7, October 2020) and Capital Programme Update

16/12/2020 - Revenue Budget Monitoring 2020/21 (Period 7, October 2020) and Q2 Capital Programme Monitoring

(i)  Note the projected revenue outturn forecast for the 2020/21 financial year as set out in sections 2 to 4 and Appendix A of the report and the potential impact on the reserves position as set out in section 7 of the report;


(ii)  Note the update on key savings programmes, as set out in section 5 of the report;


(iii)  Note the update on the impact of COVID-19 and the lockdown, as set out in section 6 of the report;


(iv)  Note the update on the Capital Programme, as set out in section 9 and Appendix B of the report;


(v)  Agree the following Section106 allocations, as detailed in section 10 of the report;


a)  £1.8m towards the affordable housing development at Padnall Lake

b)  £0.373m towards facilities for accommodating additional pupils at Robert Clack school (Lymington Fields)


(vi)   Approve funding of £420,000 for phase one of the Dispersed Working Programme in the current financial year, as detailed in section 11 of the report; and


(vii)  Approve the minor amendments, corrections and addenda to the Fees and Charges as set out in section 12 and Appendix C of the report.