Issue - decisions

Project Plan for the Urban Design Framework and Public Realm Strategy for the Borough

24/01/2005 - Urban Design Framework and Public Realm Strategy for the Borough: Interim Fencing and Boundary Treatment Design Guidelines for the Borough

Received a report on proposed interim Fencing and Boundary Treatment Design Guidelines for the Borough which will be an integral part of the Council’s Public Realm Strategy and link into the Urban Design Framework, both of which are due to be adopted later this year.


Agreed, to assist the Council in achieving its Community Priorities of ‘Making Barking and Dagenham Cleaner, Greener and Safer’, ‘Raising General Pride in the Borough’ and ‘Regenerating the Local Economy’, to:


1.  Approve the Fencing and Boundary Treatment Design Guidelines as a document for wider consultation;


2.  Approve the subsequent use of the Fencing and Boundary Treatment Design Guidelines as interim design guidance until incorporated into the wider Public Realm Strategy for the Borough;


3.  Support the exploration of issues pertinent to the successful implementation of the Public Realm Strategy, such as programming, finance, procurement, management and maintenance regimes, safety requirements and the impact on Disability Discrimination Act requirements; and


4.  Support the production of the Urban Design Framework and Public Realm Strategy as tools to ensure improvements to the natural and built environment and public spaces of the Borough.