Issue - decisions

ELWA Joint Resources and Waste Strategy Contract 2027-2057 - Outline Business Case

19/07/2023 - ELWA Waste Disposal Contract - Outline Business Case

Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Agree to support the East London Waste Authority’s (ELWA) Outline Business Case (OBC) at Appendix 1 to the report;


(ii)  Agree in principle to the Frizlands Lane Reuse and Recycling Centre being made available as a site to the new contractor by way of property agreement, subject to a future report relating to relevant property arrangements as required; and


(iii)  Note the programme of work that ELWA intended to undertake in relation to the expiry and demobilisation of the current IWMS Contract, which shall include ELWA carrying out any required site inspections on behalf of the Council in relation to the Frizlands Lane Reuse and Recycling Centre.