Issue - decisions

Health Scrutiny Committee Annual Report 2022/23

01/07/2024 - Health Scrutiny Committee Annual Report 2022/23

The Chair of the Health Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Paul Robinson, presented the Committee’s annual report for 2022/23, outlining the statutory role of the Committee and its key objectives which were centred around ensuring that the needs and experiences of residents were considered as part of the commissioning and delivery of health services in the Borough.


Councillor Robinson advised on the Committee’s work programme for 2022/23 and referred to its key achievements, which included:


·  Helping to shape the refresh for the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy for 2023-28;

·  Making recommendations to the Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit relating to implementing additional support for fathers and other vulnerable individuals who experienced miscarriage and/or pregnancy loss;

·  Making recommendations to improve health inequalities and promoting better access to healthcare for minority groups; and

·  Promoting greater collaboration between health and voluntary sectors to improve effective care to residents, especially over the winter period and during the cost-of-living crisis.


Councillor Robinson alluded to other issues that the Committee had looked into during 2022/23 relating to the new integrated care system arrangements, Place-Based partnerships and the potential effects of extreme weather conditions.  The Committee had also concluded its scrutiny review on the potential of the voluntary and community sector (VCS) to further contribute to reducing health inequalities within the Borough the potential opportunities for the VCS and residents to have a meaningful role in shaping future strategy / service delivery.  Councillor Robinson advised that the Committee’s recommendations and the impact of their implementation would be included in a future report.


The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health Integration placed on record her appreciation to the Committee for its contribution to improving health provision and services in the Borough.


The Assembly resolved to note the Health Scrutiny Committee Annual Report 2022/23, as set out at Appendix A to the report.