Issue - decisions

Personnel Board Membership

15/10/2004 - Personnel Board Membership

Received a report on proposed changes to the operational and administrative arrangements of the Council’s Personnel Board.


Agreed, in order to enhance consistency in decision-making through the provision of specific training to elected Members, to:


  1. Recommend the Assembly that Article 7B of the Constitution be amended as follows:


a)  Having regard to the political balance requirements of Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, that the membership of the Personnel Board be set at seven Members;


b)  That the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Personnel Board be fixed positions;


c)  That the quorum per meeting of the Board remains a minimum of three Members; including the Chair and/or the Deputy Chair;


d)  That no Member (including Trade Union Representatives) may sit on the relevant Board if they have worked particularly closely with a member of staff who may be the subject of a report to a meeting of the Board;


e)  When the Board decides Job Evaluation Appeals the membership will be made up of an equal number of appropriately trained Members (to include the Chair and Deputy Chair), and Trade Union representatives, totalling 6 in line with current arrangements. For a meeting to proceed there shall be present at least two Council and one Trade Union representative(s); including the Chair and/or the Deputy Chair; and


f)  That the terms of reference of the Personnel Board be amended accordingly. 


  1. Further recommend the Assembly that (i) the Independent Members’ Remuneration Panel be advised of the new Chair and Deputy Chair positions and be asked to consider the appropriateness of associated Special Responsibility Allowances, and (ii) all necessary changes be made to the Constitution.