Issue - decisions

Crossrail Consultation

12/11/2004 - Crossrail - Response to Consultations on the Main Scheme and Draft Safeguarding Direction

Received a report setting out the current position with respect to the Crossrail scheme and the implications for Barking and Dagenham, including regeneration and transport benefits.  The report also outlined proposals for safeguarding land necessary for the construction and operation of Crossrail.


Agreed, the following in order to support the Council’s Community Priorities of “Regenerating the Local Economy” and “Making Barking and Dagenham Cleaner, Greener and Safer”:


With respect to the main consultation on the Crossrail project:


1.  To support the Crossrail scheme in view of its likely overall benefits to the Borough, particularly with regard to regeneration and transport;


2.  That Officers continue to work with Crossrail on mitigating localised impacts and that further reports on this issue are brought back to the Executive in due course;


3.  That the Council’s preference for an alignment via Barking, as set out in section 4 of the report, is reiterated;


4.  That to maximise the potential benefits of Crossrail a full review of complementary/feeder public transport networks be undertaken by and with the relevant agencies such as Transport for London; and


5.  To refer this report and agreed recommendations to Cross London Rail Links Ltd in response to consultation on the Crossrail scheme;


With respect to consultation on the proposed new safeguarding Direction:


6.  No objection be raised other than that Purchase Notices should not be served on the local planning authority (London Borough Barking and Dagenham) but on the scheme promoter Cross London Rail Links Limited; and


7.  This report and agreed recommendation be referred to the Department for Transport with respect to the draft safeguarding Direction.