Executive post

Adult Social Care & Health Integration Portfolio


Councillor Worby is responsible for ensuring the Council fulfils its statutory responsibilities in adult social care services and public health.


As part of this, Councillor Worby is responsible for developing services which help prevent problems, safeguarding the vulnerable, empowering people and maintaining independence, including the roll out of community hubs.


Working with partners in the NHS and the voluntary sector (including BDCollective), Councillor Worby has responsibility for strategies and actions to help end isolation and loneliness for older people and developing healthy lifestyles programmes and other early intervention in health.


Councillor Worby is also the lead member with responsibility for the Council’s Prevent Strategy and for reducing domestic violence, working in partnership with the Cabinet Member for Community Leadership and Engagement (on the Prevent strategy) and the Cabinet Member for Enforcement and Community Safety (on reducing domestic violence).


Councillor Worby also shares responsibility with the Cabinet Member for Children’s Social Care and Disabilities for services that support residents of all ages with physical and learning disabilities ensuring the Council’s response is disability-inclusive. This includes championing the health and needs of adults with disabilities by improving health and wellbeing, independent living, pathways into learning, and access to housing, employment and training.

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