Executive post

Children's Social Care & Disabilities Portfolio


Councillor Jones is the Council’s statutory lead member for children's social care services and chairs the Council’s Corporate Parenting Board.


Councillor Jones leads on child protection, safeguarding, and promoting the well-being of children as well as tackling child poverty and supporting families, including early help.


Councillor Jones is also responsible for the Council’s role as a corporate parent supporting children and young people to live independent and healthy lives through looked after services, family placement, promoting adoption and fostering, and for the Council’s youth offending service.


Councillor Jones is also lead member for the development of community intervention zones. As part of this, Councillor Jones shares responsibility for the development of locality working with stakeholder partners alongside the Cabinet Member for Community Leadership and Engagement and Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health Integration.


Councillor Jones also shares responsibility with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health Integration for services that support residents of all ages with physical and learning disabilities ensuring the Council’s response is disability-inclusive. This includes championing children’s health and the needs of children with disabilities.

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