Issue details

Budget Process 2009/10 and Local Government Finance Settlement

The Executive will be asked to note the current financial outlook for the Council’s budget for the period 2009/10 to 2011/12 and to agree the Budget Strategy in respect of the budget for 2009/10


The Executive will be asked to consider this year’s provisional Local Government Finance Settlement in the context of the 2009/10 Budget


Each year the Council needs to approve a budget and part of that process is identifying the financial outlook (i.e. spending pressures against resources available) for the Council over a three year period.  It also requires an agreement on the Budget priorities of the Council and a Strategy to deliver this over the same three year period

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Abandoned

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Issue Category: Framework;

Annual Item: Annual Item;

Lead member: Finance Portfolio

Lead director: A - Authority to Access P&C (Resources)

Department: Corporate Director of Resources

Contact: Bill Murphy, Corporate Director of Resources Email: Tel: 020 8227 2138.

Consultation process

Circulation of draft report and meetings




Lead Member:



Corporate Management Team