Issue details

Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest in the Borough (known as "The Local List")

There are a number of buildings across the borough that do not meet the criteria for statutory listing but do have local significance and are recognised for their architectural importance, townscape value or historic association and are considered worthy of protection. These buildings are on the Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest or “the local list”


The Executive will be asked to agree the revised draft local list for public consultation and development control use

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 18 Nov 2008 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cllr Mick McCarthy

Lead director: Regeneration Portfolio

Department: Corporate Director of Regeneration

Contact: Jennifer Dearing, Corporate Director of Regeneration Email: Tel: 020 8227 3200.

Consultation process

Meetings and circulation of draft report




Lead Members:


Customer First




English Heritage

Design for London

Transport for London

London Thames Gateway Development Corporation


Agenda items