Issue details

Transforming Out of Hours Services

The Executive will be asked to approve the provision of the Borough’s Out-of-Hours emergency telephone service via the London Connects shared service

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Issue Category: Financial;

Decision due: 12 Aug 2008 by Cabinet

Lead member: Councillor S Carroll, Cabinet Member for Customer Services, Councillor H J Collins

Lead director: A - Authority to Access P&C (Children & Adults), A - Authority to Access P&C (Housing)

Department: Corporate Director of Adult & Community Services

Contact: A - Authority to Access P&C (Children & Adults), A - Authority to Access P&C (Housing).

Consultation process

Circulation of draft report

Staff Meetings




Lead Member(s)

Adults’ Portfolio

Customer Services Portfolio


Head of Corporate Procurement

Group Manager Corporate Legal Services

Divisional Director of Corporate Finance

Interim Head of HR

Head of Emergency Planning

Head of Environment and Enforcement

Out of Hours staff


Agenda items