Issue details

Review of Property and Land Occupation in Parks and Open Spaces

The Cabinet will be asked to approve proposals for a borough-wide review of existing arrangements with clubs and organisations that occupy Council premises (e.g. sports pavilions) and /or land in parks and open spaces, and to agree arrangements for the entering into of agreements with clubs and organisations regarding future rents levels and the transfer of all associated liabilities for repair, maintenance and running costs.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Abandoned

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/02/2013

Issue Category: Community; Financial;

Decision due: 25 Jun 2013 by Cabinet

Lead member: Leader's Portfolio

Lead director: Corporate Director of Housing and Environment

Department: Operations

Contact: Robin Payne, Divisional Director of Environment Email: Tel: 020 8227 5660.