Issue details

London Housing Zone Proposals

The Greater London Authority has issued a prospectus seeking bids for London Housing Zones which offer a range of tools and funding methods to unlock the deliver of new housing.  The bids need to be submitted by the end of September but ideally need the involvement of partners and a clear political statement of support for the actions the Local Authority would take as part of a successful bid. 


The Cabinet will be presented with proposals for a Barking Town Centre bid and other opportunities and asked to approve the development and submission of a bid(s) in line with the proposals.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Issue Category: Financial;

Decision due: 4 Aug 2014 by Cabinet

Lead member: Housing Portfolio, Regeneration Portfolio

Lead director: Director of Growth

Department: Children and Adults

Contact: Jeremy Grint, Commissioning Director, Growth, Homes & Regeneration Email: Tel: 020 8227 2443.


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