Issue details

Ballards Junction and A1306 (New Road) Improvements Scheme - Major Scheme Submission to Transport for London

The Cabinet will be asked to approve the submission of a Major Scheme funding bid to Transport for London in September 2016 to further develop and consult on the following proposals:


-   Enhancing the A1306 New Road through reviewing the width of the carriageway, improving conditions for pedestrians and cyclists and improving the quality of the environment to integrate the new communities planned south of New Road with those existing to the north; and

-   Simplifying the Ballards Road/New Road junction through the removal of the existing gyratory and traffic signals.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Abandoned

Wards affected: Goresbrook; River; Thames;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 27/05/2016

Issue Category: Community; Financial;

Decision due: 20 Sep 2016 by Cabinet

Lead member: Finance, Growth & Investment Portfolio

Lead director: Strategic Director, Growth & Homes

Department: Growth & Homes

Contact: Daniel Pope, Head of Planning Email: Tel: 020 8227 3929.