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London Road Safety Council


Logo for London Road Safety Council

The London Road Safety Council (formerly the London Accident Prevention Council) strives to reduce the number of road casualties within Greater London and continues to be the road safety forum in the Capital involving elected Council Members and professional Road Safety Officers from the London Boroughs, Transport for London (TfL) and representatives from various other interested groups.  It is a registered charity which raises funds by the production and sale of road safety materials.

Contact information

James Parker
Administrator - Email:&nbsp;<a href="mailto:admin@londonroadsafetycouncil.org.uk">admin@londonroadsafetycouncil.org.uk</a>

London Road Safety Council
PO Box 1446
GU22 2PB

Phone: 01483 828 443

Website: http://www.londonroadsafetycouncil.org.uk

The London Borough of Barking & Dagenham is not responsible for the content of any external link

Email: admin@londonroadsafetycouncil.org.uk

Our representatives