Agenda and minutes

Wednesday, 19 May 2004 7:00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, Dagenham

Contact: Valerie Dowdell, Democratic Services Ofiicer, Civic Centre, Dagenham  Telephone - 020 8227 2756 / Fax - 020 8227 2171 / e-mail -

No. Item


Minutes (7 April 2004) pdf icon PDF 12 KB




Tribute to the late Councillor R J E Jeyes pdf icon PDF 7 KB


Tributes were paid to the late Councillor R J E Jeyes and a minute’s silence was held in his memory.


Agreed a proposal to rename Whalebone Library the ‘Robert Jeyes Library’.


Petition: Rogers Gardens - Anti-Social Behaviour pdf icon PDF 19 KB


Noted the actions that have been taken by the Council and the Police to address anti-social behaviour in the area and agreed that no further action should be taken at the present time to close the alley.


Petition requesting a BMX track in Old Dagenham Park pdf icon PDF 84 KB


Agreed the proposed actions, which will take place as part of the Parks and Green Spaces Strategy.


Petition relating to the reorganisation and redevelopment of existing civic amenity site, Frizlands Depot, Frizlands Lane pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Additional documents:


Noted the works that have been carried out to alleviate the noise nuisance.


Petition protesting about the non-completion of the subway at the end of the Scrattons Farm Estate (A13 Gale Street/Scrattons Farm Subway) pdf icon PDF 52 KB

Additional documents:


Noted that the Gale Street subway had been opened that day and the Charlton Crescent Subway was due to open this week.  The lead petitioner requested that his thanks be passed to the officers concerned for the work they had done to get the subways re-opened.


Petitions regarding the Council's decision on Community Halls pdf icon PDF 25 KB

(i)  Council’s Decision on Community Halls

(ii)  Request for a Community Hall in the Valence area


The local issues section of the agenda includes a presentation by Community Matters on their development contract around this issue.  It is proposed that discussion of the two petitions is held after the presentation.

Additional documents:


Agreed that officers continue to work with Community Associations to implement the Executive’s decision of 22 July 2003 to transfer community halls to full local management and grant 21 year leases by 31 March 2005.


Petition requesting a Community Hall for Valence Ward


Noted that this report had been withdrawn as contact had now been made with the lead petitioner and a meeting was to be arranged with the relevant parties.


Presentation by Community Matters pdf icon PDF 14 KB

(i)  Presentation by Community Matters


(ii)  Presentation by Transport for London


Received a presentation by Community Matters on their development contract around the Council’s decision on community halls.  The presentation addressed many of the issues raised by the petitioners and it was reiterated that the aim of Community Matters is to help the Community Associations to continue to run the halls efficiently and successfully.


Presentation by East London Transit


Received a presentation on progress of the project, developed in partnership between Transport for London and the London Boroughs of Barking and Dagenham and Redbridge, to deliver a bus transit scheme which supports development in Barking Reach, Dagenham Dock and Ilford.


Education Development Plan (EDP) pdf icon PDF 16 KB

Annual update of the 2002-2007 EDP for 2004/05 (report attached – EDP circulated separately)


Agreed the updated Plan for confirmation to the Department for Education and Skills and the School Improvement Priorities and Activities for 2004/05.


Final Report of the Erkenwald Centre Development Scrutiny Panel pdf icon PDF 54 KB


Received the final report of the Erkenwald Centre Development Scrutiny Panel and agreed its recommendations.


Final Report of the Social Inclusion Policy Commission pdf icon PDF 10 KB

Additional documents:


Agreed the Policy Commission’s recommendations as set out in the report.


General Question Time


Councillor Smith asked the Lead Member for Education questions relating to the Council’s policy on the admissions criteria for schools and about the number of complaints received from parents in relation to this.  He raised these issues because he had received a number of complaints from parents living in Chadwell Heath about the Council’s policy, which had arisen as a result of information given by Councillor Justice.


Agreed that Councillor Alexander would provide an appropriate response.


Annual Reports of Meetings pdf icon PDF 36 KB

(i)  Ceremonial Council

(ii)  Community Forums

(iii)  Executive, including Appointments to the Political Structure 2004/05 and Members’ Allowances 2004/05 (to follow)

(iv)  Scrutiny Management Board

(v)  Development Control Board

(vi)  Personnel Board

(vii)  Standards Committee

(viii)  BAD Youth Forum

Additional documents:


(i)  Ceremonial Council – noted.


(ii)  Community Forums - noted


(iii)  Executive Report (Annual and Recent Business)


  1  Members’ Allowances


  Agreed the Members’ Allowances Scheme for 2004/05 as set out in Appendix A to the report, with effect from 20 May 2004, in accordance with the recommendations of the Independent Review Panel, and that the Constitution be amended accordingly.


  2  Appointments to the Political Structure 2004/05


  Considered the Executive’s recommendations regarding appointments to the Council’s political structure for the municipal year 2004/05.


  (a)  Membership


  Agreed that the membership of the Executive, Scrutiny Management Board, the Development Control Board, the Panel for the Regulatory and General Matters Board, the Panel for the Personnel Board, the Standards Committee and the Community Forums be as set out in Appendix ‘A’.


  (b)  Appointment of Chairs and Deputy Chairs


  Noted that the Constitution automatically provides for the following positions:


  Chair  Deputy Chair


  Executive  Leader of the  Deputy Leader of

  Council  the Council


  Council  Mayor  Deputy Mayor


  Agreed that:


(i)  Chairs and Deputy Chairs for other Council bodies be as set out in Appendix ‘B’, and


(ii)  the tenure of Deputy Chairs of Community Forums be increased from one to two years and an appropriate amendment be made to the Constitution.


(c)  Co-opted Members


  Agreed that the following persons be appointed as co-opted Members on the Scrutiny Management Board for such times as education matters are considered:


  Reverend R Gayler representing the Church of England


  Mrs G Spencer representing the Roman Catholic Church


  Mr P Carter and Mr B Phillips are already elected for a four year period as Parent Governor representatives for primary and secondary schools respectively and, as such, will similarly be co-opted to the Scrutiny Management Board for education matters.


  (d)  Best Value Reviews


  Noted arrangements for Best Value Reviews in 2004/05.


  (e)  Representatives on Miscellaneous Bodies


  Agreed that representation be as set out in Appendix ‘C’.


  (f)  Appointment of Trustees to Local Charities




·  Dagenham United Charity


That Councillors Davis, Wainwright and Justice re reappointed as trustees as detailed in the Executive report.


·  Barking General Charity


That Councillors Mrs Bruce and Porter be reappointed as trustees for 2004/05.


·  Barking and Ilford Charities


That Councillors Mrs Bradley and Mrs Flint be reappointed as trustees for 2004/05.


·  The Eva Tyne Trust Fund


That Councillors Mrs Bruce, Davis and Mrs Twomey be reappointed as trustees for 2004/05.  Councillor Jones also serves as an ex-officio member of the Trust.


·  The Brocklebank Lodge Trust Fund


That Councillors H Collins and Jones be reappointed as trustees for 2004/05.


·  King George V Silver Jubilee Trust Fund


That this continues to be administered by the Mayor and the Director of Social Services.


  3  Annual Report – noted.


(iv)  Scrutiny Management Board – noted.


  Councillor Mrs Twomey thanked the Members of the Board and officers for their support over the year.


(v)  Development Control Board - noted


  Councillor Mrs Bruce thanked officers for their work over the past year.


(vi)  Report of the Personnel Board – noted.


(vii)  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15.