Agenda and minutes

Wednesday, 15 September 2010 7:00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Barking

Contact: Margaret Freeman, Senior Democratic Services Officer, Civic Centre, Dagenham  Telephone - 020 8227 2638 / e-mail -

No. Item


Minute's silence as a mark of respect for the victims of the floods in Pakistan


The Assembly stood and observed a minute’s silence as a mark of respect for the victims of the floods in Pakistan.


Declaration of Members' Interests

In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Members are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.


There were no declarations of interest


Minutes (21 July 2010) pdf icon PDF 64 KB




Death of former Councillor Donald Hemmett pdf icon PDF 21 KB


Members paid tribute to former Councillor Donald George Hemmett who passed away on 10 August 2010.


Members noted that he had been an active member of the Labour Party and was a hard working councillor, committed to the community and who worked tirelessly for the youth of the borough.  He will be missed as a colleague and friend.


The Assembly stood and observed a minute’s silence in memory of former Councillor Hemmett.


Appointments pdf icon PDF 21 KB


Received and noted the report introduced by the Divisional Director of Legal and Democratic Services.




(1)  to appoint only one councillor as the nominated trustee to the Barking Theatre Company Limited; and


(2)  that the Cabinet Member for Culture and Sport be appointed as the trustee to the Barking Theatre Company Limited with immediate effect.


Parent Governor (Primary) Co-opted Member of the Children's Services Select Committee pdf icon PDF 23 KB


Received and noted the report introduced by the Divisional Director for Legal and Democratic Services.


Agreed to appoint Mrs Ghadeer Al-salem Youssef as the Primary School Parent Governor Co-opted Member to the Children’s Services Select Committee.


Response to Petition - Parking near Doctors' Surgery 7 Salisbury Avenue Barking pdf icon PDF 44 KB


This item was withdrawn prior to the commencement of the meeting.


Response to Petition - Traffic Management in Salisbury Avenue, Barking pdf icon PDF 45 KB


As the lead petitioner (Mrs J Melis) was unable to attend, her representative Dr Niazi presented the terms of the petition requesting measures to improve road safety and traffic management in Salisbury Avenue, Barking.


Dr Niazi stated that he has been a resident of Salisbury Avenue for over ten years and that the number of motorists speeding in that road had risen in recent years, which is why residents are now raising their concerns.  Whilst not commenting specifically on the accident that had happened on 5 July last, he said that this had strengthened residents’ resolve to ask the Council to enforce speed limits through the introduction of speed breakers/humps and additional measures as outlined in the petition.


The Group Manager, Streetscene introduced the report stating that Members and officers had met with the lead petitioner.  She stated that it is proposed to prepare an action plan for road safety and traffic management in Salisbury Avenue and that full account will be taken of the outcome of the police investigation.


Councillor Alexander, Cabinet Member for Crime, Justice and Communities, offered the Council’s deepest condolences to the family of the deceased child.  She confirmed her commitment and that of the ward councillors and officers to working closely with residents on this matter.




(i)  to acknowledge the concerns of the residents;


(ii)  to ensure that officers, ward councillors and the respective portfolio holders work with the community to prepare an action plan for road safety and traffic management proposals for the Salisbury Avenue area; and

(iii)  that full account be taken within the review of any findings related to highway issues deriving from the police investigation and any subsequent inquiries.


11th London Local Authorities Bill pdf icon PDF 44 KB


Received and noted the report introduced by the Head of Customer Strategy and Transformation.


Agreed to pass the following resolution:


That the London Borough of Barking & Dagenham approves the inclusion in a Bill to be promoted by Westminster City Council of provisions effecting all or some of the following purposes -

(a)  to alter the application of Chapter VIII of Part IV of the Greater London Authority Act 1999 so that different provision may be made for travel concessions in relation to different railway services and journeys on railway services on the London Local Transport Network and so as to make provision for arbitration in cases where London Authorities consider that charges notified by Transport for London under the reserve free travel scheme are excessive;


(b)  to enact any additional, supplemental and consequential provisions that may appear to be necessary or convenient.


Following a question from a member of the public, which the Chair allowed, it was noted that an older people’s day was due to be held on 1 October.  The Head of Customer Strategy and Transformation advised that this proposed London Local Authorities Bill is intended to provide a better service to local people and ensure that there is a fair negotiating process in place.


The Standards Committee - Appointment of Independent Member and Chair pdf icon PDF 20 KB


Received and noted the report introduced by the Divisional Director of Legal and Democratic Services, which included reference to the forthcoming retirement of Mrs Fiona Fairweather at the end of her term of office in October.


Councillor Smith thanked Mrs Fairweather for her work as Chair of the Standards Committee during what he described as a very difficult time.


Councillor N Gill spoke personally of having worked as a member of the Standards Committee with Mrs Fairweather, commenting that she was hard working and always very fair.


Agreed to:


(1)  approve the appointment of Mr Brian Beasley as an independent member of the Standards Committee with effect from 11 October 2010 for a period of four years; and


(2)   appoint Kevin Madden as Chair of the Committee with effect from 11 October 2010 for the remainder of the municipal year 2010/11.


Annual Report of BAD Youth Forum pdf icon PDF 33 KB


The Chair welcomed representatives of the Barking and Dagenham Youth Forum (B&DYF), Jade Ramsey, Salwa Rahman, Shekkar Seebaluck and Tommy Lee, to the Assembly.


The Corporate Director of Children’s Services introduced the report commending the B&DYF on the fantastic work they have done this year.


The Group Manager, Engagement and Extended Schools gave a brief history of the B&DYF, following which the B&DYF representatives spoke in turn about the work of the Forum:


  • The Diana Award of Excellence – given for the inspirational qualities demonstrated through their commitment to tackle homophobic bullying;


  • The Children and Young People Now Magazine Award – given for their short film “The Secret” to portray understanding and awareness of the issues facing young people who are lesbian or gay;


  • The Health Sub-Group campaign on alcohol awareness which entailed the young people producing virals (short film clips that can be distributed via mobile phones) that were shown at the Dagenham Town Show, to raise thought provoking questions such as “How safe am I when I am drunk?”;


  • The Crime and Safety Sub-Group which worked in partnership with the Progress Project (a youth forum for young people with disabilities) to create and run workshops on drugs and sexual health;


  • The “Light the Park” campaign, highlighting the need for better lighting in the borough’s parks and raising personal safety awareness.


Following questions from Members, it was noted that:


(1)  additional funding would always be welcome in helping the B&DYF to get youngsters interested and keep it running;

(2)  the Forum set their own agendas for their quarterly meetings and ask questions of the councillors who attend;

(3)  there is also a Children’s Forum for 5 to 12 year olds made up of representatives of the school councils, which works in the same way as the B&DYF.


Members commended the B&DYF for bringing the work they do to the heart of the Council.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Smith, gave his support to finding some funding for the “Light the Park” campaign and would endeavour to bring this to the attention of the Mayor of London.


Motions pdf icon PDF 39 KB


Motion 1.  Building Schools for the Future (BSF)


Moved by Councillor R. Gill and seconded by Councillor Smith.


"This Council welcomes the Government decision to continue to grant BSF funding to the Borough’s two sample schools, Dagenham Park Church of England and Sydney Russell, to enable them to proceed with planned school improvements.


However, this Council is deeply concerned by the cancellation of over £200m of the remaining BSF funding which was planned for local secondary schools in Barking and Dagenham.


Over the next five to ten years, Barking and Dagenham will be faced with significant pressures on school places, especially with the re-development of Barking Riverside and the University of East London site.  We need funding to provide first class facilities for both our primary and secondary schools.  Without that finance previously earmarked for our schools, some of our young people will not get the education they deserve.  


We therefore, call upon the Cabinet and our local MPs to continue lobbying Government for the necessary funding to ensure we can meet the needs of every child, and their families, in the borough."


Councillor Smith proposed a vote of thanks to Margaret Hodge MP for the support she had given.  He also passed congratulations to the schools in the borough for the best ever GCSE and A level results, noting that four schools had a 100% pass rate, and commending the excellent head teachers for their dedication and hard work.


Councillor Tarry commented that the cancellation of over £200m of BSF funding is committing a generation of young people to a bleak future and will have an impact on schools over the next 10/20 years.  He seconded Councillor Smith’s proposal of thanks to Margaret Hodge MP.


In summing up, Councillor R Gill reminded the Assembly that the borough had received only £47m of the promised £270m and that this is having a devastating effect on the borough.  The need for school places is a big issue and if central government removes funding for it, then building and regeneration becomes pointless.  Councillor R Gill referred to children today still being taught in portakabins as he himself had been.  He stated that education is a child’s right and this Council’s statutory responsibility.  He thanked both Margaret Hodge MP and Jon Cruddus MP for their support in organising productive meetings with the Secretary of State for Education, Michael Gove.


The motion was put to the vote and unanimously agreed as follows:


For:  Councillors Alasia, Alexander, Ashraf, Butt, Channer, Clee, Davis, Douglas, Geddes, N Gill, R Gill, Hunt, Hussain, AS Jamu, IS Jamu, Kangethe, Letchford, McDermott, McKenzie, Miles, Mullane, Obasohan, Ogungbose, Perry, Poulton, Rai, Ramsay, Reason, Rodwell, Saeed, Salam, Smith, Tarry, Twomey, Vincent, Wade, L Waker, P Waker, White and Worby.


Against:  None


Abstain:  None



Motion 2.  Playbuilder Grants


Moved by Councillor Tarry and seconded by Councillor McDermott


"This Council is dismayed at the decision of the Education Secretary, Michael Gove, to freeze Playbuilder  ...  view the full minutes text for item 31.


Leader's Question Time


Question from Councillor Wade:


"Families are finding it difficult to budget without debt in these difficult times.  Credit unions can be useful for small, short term loans to avoid loan sharks and high interest rates. The Council is or was talking with Liberty Credit Union to provide a service in this Borough. Havering Council has used Liberty Credit Union for some time.  Is there evidence of popular use or a reduction in loan sharking?


Is there now a service in this Borough or when will there be?


How would the public be told of the service and where would any offices be?”


Response from Councillor Smith:


“I agree that Credit Unions are needed more than ever.  We have done everything we can to set up a Credit Union that would enable people to come to us rather than go to "loan sharks" who charge high interest rates and we were disappointed not to have had this approved.  I am glad to report that our officers and Members have been persistent and on Monday this week I met with the Corporate Director of Adult and Community Services and I would like to invite her to update on the situation.”


The Corporate Director of Adult and Community Services reported that the Financial Services Authority has given its approval for Liberty Credit Union to move their services to the borough and that arrangements are being made for people to sign up.  She stated that it was hoped the Mayor will be the first person to do this and become member number 2010.  It was noted that staff will be able to sign up through payroll services.


General Question Time


General Question 1 from Councillor Mullane:


“I would like to congratulate this Council on the proposed redevelopment of the Leys estate.  Would the Cabinet Member for housing be able to assure me that within this estate renewal the overwhelming majority of properties will be Council homes and have the leaseholders as the private properties?  And would the Cabinet Member also confirm that there will be a robust referral system in place to ensure the estate renewal meets these stipulations?”


Response from Councillor P Waker, Cabinet Member for Housing:


“I would like to thank Councillor Mullane for her question, which is arguably a little premature as it is an issue that we will deal with in the medium term once it has been decided how and when people are moved out of the estate renewal areas and what is pulled down and when in the three areas involved.


There is a working party, with a representative on it from each of the three wards, currently looking at this.  However, there are a few matters still to be dealt with before we can really start to move ahead on all three areas.


The first is a Call-In to be heard by the Living and Working Select Committee next week.  This was put in after the previous formal report to the Cabinet.  I am sure this can be dealt with satisfactorily, after which a follow-up report will go to the 28September Cabinet meeting.  This is being prepared at the moment and adjusted to take in to account the views expressed by Cabinet Members and others.


We will then be focusing on the money required to empty out the flats involved (known as decanting) and the settling of matters with leaseholders so that we can then demolish the flats. It should be noted that new programme of Council house building will help us enormously in this decanting process.  Our task is to maximize what we can get for Council rent in order to help the people on our list.


The degree of success we have on this depends on the amount of money we have available at that point.  We can get a certain amount of council housing by putting land value in, but beyond that, it is as simple as this. The more money we can put up, the more we get for rent and while I cannot today give a figure, my commitment is to do the very best we can.


All the reports we put on this matter do highlight a number of possible sources of money:


1.  Firstly, we would obviously want to apply for grants or access any funding that might become available, albeit we know we are likely to be in some difficult times.


2.  We have also highlighted the possibility of a land sale.  I would not call this my personal favourite option, but it is one that if we decided the time was right and could get a good deal, we have to have  ...  view the full minutes text for item 33.


Any other public items which the Chair decides are urgent


The Assembly noted congratulations to Dagenham and Redbridge Football Club for their first ever victory over Leyton Orient earlier this month.