Agenda and minutes

Tuesday, 16 March 2010 5:00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Dagenham

Contact: Alan Dawson, Democratic Services Team Manager, Civic Centre, Dagenham  Telephone - 020 8227 2348 / e-mail -

No. Item


Declaration of Members' Interests

In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Members are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes (16 February 2010) pdf icon PDF 31 KB




Safer and Stronger Community Select Committee: Anti-Social Behaviour Scrutiny Review pdf icon PDF 56 KB

The Select Committee’s main report has been circulated under separate cover.

Additional documents:


Received and noted the draft final report of the Safer and Stronger Community Select Committee (SSCSC) which presents the findings from the in-depth review of the issue of anti-social behaviour perpetrated by and against young people in the borough, conducted by the SSCSC over the past nine months.  The Lead Member, Councillor White, introduced the report and outlined some of the key aspects and recommendations arising from the review.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council to achieve the Community Priority of ‘Safe’, to commend the report to the Assembly.


Living and Working Select Committee: Supported Housing for Older People Scrutiny Review pdf icon PDF 44 KB

The Select Committee’s main report has been circulated under separate cover.

Additional documents:


Received and noted the draft final report of the Living and Working Select Committee (LWSC) which presents the findings from the in-depth review of older people’s housing in the Borough conducted by the LWSC during the past year.  Councillor White introduced the report on behalf of the Lead Member, Councillor Vincent, and outlined some of the key aspects and recommendations arising from the review.


Councillor Rush referred to recommendation 8 within the report, which proposes that the Gascoigne Road residential premises for people with learning disabilities and complex needs should be reviewed as part of the overall process of de-commissioning of residential placements, and suggested that the recommendation should be re-worded to avoid any ambiguity regarding the future of the site.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council to achieve the Community Priority of ‘Fair and Respectful’ and ‘Healthy’, to commend the report to the Assembly subject to the issue referred to above being clarified with the appropriate Members prior to next week’s Assembly meeting.


Health and Adult Services Select Committee: Dementia Services Scrutiny Review pdf icon PDF 46 KB

The Select Committee’s main report has been circulated under separate cover.

Additional documents:


Received and noted the draft final report of the Health and Adult Services Select Committee which presents the Committee’s findings from its in-depth review of dementia services.  The Lead Member, Councillor Mrs Carpenter, introduced the report and outlined some of the key aspects and recommendations arising from the review.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council to achieve the Community Priority of ‘Healthy’, to commend the report to the Assembly.


Budget Monitoring 2009/10 - April 2009 to January 2010 pdf icon PDF 167 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report from the Corporate Director of Finance and Commercial Services providing an update on the Council’s revenue and capital position for the 2009/10 financial year as projected at 31 January 2010.  The Corporate Director also gave a verbal update on the most current position and stressed that while steps will continue to be taken to reduce the net projected revenue overspend it is likely that revenue balances will reduce considerably from the current level of £3.7m.


The report also contained proposals for virements between revenue budgets in order to better reflect current activities, the allocation of funding from the Invest to Save reserve and the progression of the Barking Skills Centre project.


Agreed, as a matter of good financial practice, to:-


  (i)  Note the current projected end of year position of the Council’s revenue and capital budget as detailed in the report and Appendices A and C;


  (ii)  Note the position for the Housing Revenue Account as detailed in the report and Appendix B;


  (iii)  Note that in light of the current potential overspend, departments are continuing work to identify and deliver recovery plans to eliminate overspends;


  (iv)  Note that the Corporate Director of Finance and Commercial Services has imposed mechanisms to reduce in-year expenditure;


  (v)  Note potential further actions may be required;


  (vi)  Approve the following budget virements for 2010/11:


a)  £1.0m from General Finance to Resources for Building Schools for the Future;

b)  £750,000 from General Finance to Contingency for the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) item on the Pension Fund Revaluation;

c)  £236,000 from Resources to Adult and Community Services in view of the transfer of the Olympic Ambition function to the Leisure and Arts division;

d)  £359,000 from Adult and Community Services to Customer Services in relation to the split of the MTFS provision for the Dagenham Library and One Stop Shop.


  (vii)  Extend the funding of the Strategic Partnership procurement into 2010/11 at a cost of £300,000, to be funded from the Invest to Save reserve as detailed in paragraph 6.2 of the report; and


  (viii)  Delegate authority for the placing of an order with Kier London for the construction of the Skills Centre to the Corporate Director of Children’s Services, in consultation with the Corporate Director of Finance and Commercial Services and Legal Partners.


Construction of New Council Housing - Beamway, Dagenham and Charlton Crescent 1 and 2 Sites, Thames View, Barking pdf icon PDF 90 KB


Further to Minutes 89 (17 November 2009) and 116 (19 January 2010), received a report on proposals in respect of the procurement of construction partners for the new housing at Beamway and Charlton Crescent 1 and 2 sites, being part of Phase 2 Council Housing and Thames View garage sites.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council in achieving the Community Priority “Prosperous” through increasing the supply and range of family sized social rented housing, to:


  (i)  The procurement of construction services, in accordance with national and EU procurement legislation and the Council’s Contract Rules, in respect of the Phase 2 Council Housing and Thames View sites at Beamway, Dagenham and Charlton Crescent sites 1 and 2, Thames View, Barking, as detailed in the report; and


  (ii)  Authorise the Corporate Director of Resources, in consultation with the Corporate Director of Finance and Commercial Services and Legal Partners, to award the contract.


Proposed Investment in Creating Primary School Places pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report from the Corporate Director of Children’s Services on proposals associated with the Council’s primary school expansion programme aimed at addressing the high demand for school places in the Borough.


Noted details of the funding that has been secured from the Department of Children, Schools and Families and other sources to support the programme and the procurement arrangements for the works.  Also discussed issues relating to current capacity and demand levels for each of the Borough’s schools and the Corporate Director of Children’s Services undertook to provide Members with the relevant details.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council in achieving its Community Priority ‘Inspired and Successful’ and to fulfil its duty to provide every child in the Borough with a school place, to:


  (i)  The additional sum of £28,306,824 being available for the primary school expansion capital investment programme as detailed in the report;


  (ii)  The outline spending plan for 2010/11 as detailed in Appendix A, and to note the possible additional funding of £1,090,000 from London Thames Gateway Development Corporation;


  (iii)  The proposed procurement route using the Council’s Framework Contractors as detailed in the report;


  (iv)  Authorise the Corporate Director of Children’s Services, in consultation with the Corporate Director of Finance and Commercial Services and Legal Partners, to award the contract for works, each project being progressed as a separate contract; and


  (v)  Note that further reports will be presented as appropriate on the formal expansion of the existing schools and issues relating to the development of the new schools.


Lease for the New Primary School at Barking Riverside pdf icon PDF 116 KB


Further to Minute 162 (24 March 2009), received a report on proposals to progress the development of a new primary school as part of the Barking Riverside Rivergate Centre project, which will be delivered in partnership with Barking Riverside Limited (BRL) and the Diocese of Chelmsford.


Agreed, in order to assist in achieving the Council’s Community Priorities of ‘Prosperous’ and ‘Inspired and Successful’, to:


  (i)  The entering into of an agreement for lease and development with BRL to procure the construction of the school and playing fields;


  (ii)  The entering into of a 999 year lease at a peppercorn rate with BRL for the primary school premises at the Barking Riverside Rivergate Centre;


  (iii)  Authorise the Corporate Director of Finance and Commercial Services to approve the terms of the lease, in consultation with Legal Partners and Property Services;


  (iv)  The granting of a sub-lease to the Diocese of Chelmsford, or its agents, as the operator of the school in order that the school site can be held by the Trust, subject to the Secretary of State’s agreement regarding the running of the school; and


  (v)  Authorise the Corporate Director of Finance and Commercial Services, in consultation with Legal Partners, to enter into a Single Building Contract to deliver Phase 1 of the Rivergate Centre at Barking Riverside, including the provision of a primary school and nursery subject to the Council’s contribution to the scheme not exceeding £8.5m and a guarantee from the BRL / Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) with regard to the remaining funding.


Customer Strategy pdf icon PDF 118 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report from the Corporate Director of Customer Services on the development of a Customer Strategy which sets out proposals to transform the way that the Council thinks about and deals with customers wishing to use Council services. 


The Strategy is based on the ‘One B&D’ model and details how the various mediums for providing customer services, including One Stop Shops and the use of technology such as the web, text / SMS and email, will be maximised to provide a highly efficient and effective service that is personalised to individuals’ needs and proactively delivered.  Work is also ongoing with neighbouring boroughs and London Councils, with funding from the Capital Ambition initiative, to explore opportunities for sharing information and systems which could further enhance services and realise efficiencies.


A number of issues were raised during the discussions, including how many of our customers prefer to have face-to-face contact, particularly the elderly who may not be as familiar with new technologies, and the need for systems to provide a seamless service to customers that also improves on the levels and deadlines of responsiveness.  The Head of Customer Strategy and Transformation referred to the new Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system and explained that this will provide a far more robust service in terms of directing and dealing with customer enquiries as well as providing an audit trail and a systematic approach to managing customer contacts within the organisation.  Furthermore, the new CRM system and the use of new technological communication methods will reduce the burden on face-to-face services and, consequently, will free up time for those that would still prefer to have face-to-face contact with the Council.


Agreed, in order to provide a framework and action plan for delivering excellent customer services across the Council and with our partners, to:


  (i)  The Customer Strategy and Action Plan as set out at Appendix A to the report; and


  (ii)  The Council continuing to explore the shared service option, supported by Capital Ambition.


Getting It Right: ‘Six Lives’ Audit of Health and Social Care in Barking and Dagenham pdf icon PDF 114 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report from the Corporate Director of Adult and Community Services on the outcome of the independent audit report “Getting It Right: ‘Six Lives’ Audit of Health and Social Care in Barking and Dagenham” which reviewed the services provided by the Council and its National Health Service (NHS) partners to people with learning disabilities.  The study was commissioned in response to a report issued by the Health and Local Authority Ombudsmen into complaints brought by the charity MENCAP on behalf of six people with learning disabilities who died whilst in NHS or council care within the UK between 2003 and 2005.


The independent audit focused on the effectiveness of current systems and the capacity and capability of the Council and NHS Trusts to provide services that meet the needs of people with learning disabilities.  The Corporate Director outlined the key points from the audit and responded to issues raised in relation to the quality of advocacy and joint commissioning arrangements, the impact on resources and the need for greater awareness of the communication requirements of people with learning disabilities.  In this latter respect, the Corporate Director referred to the ‘passport’ system that is used in other areas whereby the individual would carry with them a record of, for example, their dietary requirements or preferred method of communication (e.g. sign language or translation) which would be considered by the service provider as part of the initial assessment.


Noted that the audit report is to be considered by the Borough Learning Disability Partnership Board, North East London Foundation Trust Board, NHS Barking and Dagenham Board and Barking, Havering and Redbridge Hospital Trust Board during this month prior to being submitted to the Health and Local Authority Ombudsmen by 31 March 2010.


Agreed, to assist the Council and its partners in achieving the Community Priorities of ‘Healthy’ and ‘Fair and Respectful’ and to help safeguard vulnerable adults within the Borough, to:


  (i)  Adopt the recommendations of the independent audit which relate to the Council as set out in pages 30-32 of the report at Appendix 1;


  (ii)  Note the recommendations put forward in the audit report for other bodies;


  (iii)  An update on progress against those recommendations that apply to the Council being presented within nine months; and


  (iv)  Request the Health and Adult Services Select Committee to ask that NHS bodies report back to the Select Committee on the implementation of relevant recommendations.


School Admissions Criteria for the 2011/12 Academic Year and Beyond pdf icon PDF 88 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report on the Barking and Dagenham Admissions Forum’s recommended changes to the School Admissions Policy (SAP), which applies to all community nursery, infant, junior, primary and secondary schools in the Borough. 


The Forum proposed two changes, namely the removal of the ‘neighbourhood area’ criterion for nursery, infant, junior and primary places and the use of straight-line measuring (as the crow flies) for distances to all community schools.  Although the response to the extensive consultation programme was extremely low it was noted that the majority of those who did respond were in favour of the proposals. 


The issue of sibling connections had been raised by a number of respondents and the Corporate Director of Children’s Services confirmed that the Admissions Forum would be reviewing all of the comments received from the consultation.


Agreed, in line with the recommendations of the Admissions Forum, to:


  (i)  Adopt the revised School Admissions Policy for all community nursery and primary schools as set out at Appendix 1 to the report;


  (ii)  Adopt the revised School Admissions Policy for all community secondary schools as set out at Appendix 2; and


  (iii)  The Policies taking effect for admission arrangements for the 2011/12 academic year.


Approval of Draft Leftley Estate Conservation Area Appraisal for Consultation pdf icon PDF 109 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report on proposals to consult on the draft Conservation Area Appraisal that has been prepared for the Leftley Estate area of Barking.  The appraisal contains a detailed character analysis of the area together with management proposals which focus on maintaining or enhancing the estate’s special historic and architectural interest and character.


The proposal received the general support of the Leftley Estate Tenants’ and Residents’ Association at its meeting on 20 October 2009 and the wider consultation will help to confirm the level of support, define which areas to include within the Conservation Area and identify the measures that can be introduced to help preserve or enhance the area’s character.  Noted some of the benefits associated with conservation area status and discussed other possible areas in the Borough to which it could be applied.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council to achieve its Community Priority of ‘Fair and Respectful’, to:


  (i)  Approve the Draft Leftley Estate Conservation Area Appraisal for public consultation; and


  (ii)  The Divisional Director of Regeneration and Economic Development undertaking a review of other areas of the Borough which may benefit from conservation area status and to bring forward proposals as appropriate.


Barking Station Forecourt Public Realm Improvements pdf icon PDF 114 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report on the proposal to improve the traffic management and public realm around the Barking Railway Station forecourt area.  The plans include the provision of more generous space for pedestrians and station users, enhancing the travelling experience, and an improved layout and lighting which will reduce the fear of crime.  Noted that discussions have been held with the Public Carriage Office regarding the proposal to reduce the size of the taxi rank immediately outside the station.


Implementation of the proposals will be subject to securing external funding support with the majority of grant expected from the London Thames Gateway Development Corporation (LTGDC) which has agreed financial support in principle but subject to detailed designs, costings and a full project appraisal.  With the funding in place and subject to the public consultation, it is intended that the improvements will be implemented in 2010/11 with works aiming to start late summer 2010.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council in achieving all of its Community Priorities, to:


  (i)  Approve the design proposals for the improvement of the Barking Railway Station forecourt area, and authorise the Corporate Director of Finance and Commercial Service to make any necessary changes to the design proposals following the public consultation which is to commence later this month; and


  (ii)  The project being implemented as a priority in 2010/11, subject to the outcome of the public consultation and the securing of external funding support as detailed in the report.


Mayesbrook Park Renovation Scheme pdf icon PDF 206 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report from the Corporate Director of Adult and Community Services on the detailed plans for the renovation of Mayesbrook Park via a two phase investment programme funded entirely from external sources and, therefore, at no direct cost to the Council.


The first phase of the project is planned for 2010/11 and, at a cost of £1.044m, would incorporate the restoration of the Mayes Brook river, enhanced entrances and improved access to the site and play improvements such as the installation of an outdoor gym and multi-sport facility.  The second phase, planned for 2014 - 2017, would see the creation of a visitor centre and ranger base, lake restoration works, new water sports and fishing facilities, refurbishment of the sports complex and other habitat and security improvements.  Initial discussions have also taken place regarding the possible relocation of the Olympic shooting venue to the park after the 2012 Games which, if successful, could mean an indoor multi-sport venue in the park, again at no cost to the Council. 


Agreed, in order to assist the Council in achieving all of its Community Priorities, to:


  (i)  The implementation of phases one and two of the Mayesbrook Park renovation scheme as detailed in the report and on the basis that it will be delivered at no additional revenue or capital cost to the Council;


  (ii)  The inclusion of £1.044m in the 2010/11 Capital Programme in relation to phase one, to be funded from external sources;


  (iii)  The allocation of £1.855m from the Section 106 Developer Contribution relating to the former University of East London site to enable phase two of the improvement scheme to be implemented;


  (iv)  The procurement of the works through a two stage restricted tender process as set out in the report;


  (v)  Authorise the Corporate Director of Adult and Community Services, in consultation with the Corporate Director of Finance and Commercial Services and Legal Partners, to award the contracts; and


  (vi)  Support the negotiations regarding the possible relocation of the Olympic shooting venue to provide a multi-use indoor sports centre in the park after the 2012 Games and that the decision to formally proceed be the subject of a further report to the Executive.


Barking Business Centre - Appointment of Contractor pdf icon PDF 83 KB


Further to Minute 112 (22 January 2008), received a report on proposals for the procurement of a design and build contract for the Barking Business Centre.  


Initially it was intended that the Business Centre would form part of a mixed use development under the first phase of the development of the King William Street Quarter.  However the downturn in the housing market and Government funding decisions have meant that this is no longer viable and in order to deliver the Business Centre within the available funding a stand-alone Business Centre on the same site is now proposed.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council in achieving its Community Priority of ‘Prosperous’, to:


  (i)  The procurement of a contract for the design and build of the Barking Business Centre as detailed in the report; and


  (ii)  Authorise the Corporate Director of Finance and Commercial Services, in consultation with Legal Partners, to appoint the successful contractor.


Calendar of Meetings 2010/11 pdf icon PDF 53 KB


Received a report setting out the proposed principles around the Calendar of Meetings for the forthcoming municipal year 2010/11.


Agreed, to accord with the requirements of the Council Constitution, to the basis of the draft Calendar of Council Meetings for 2010/11 as detailed in the report.


Adult and Young People’s Substance Misuse Treatment Plans 2010/11 pdf icon PDF 119 KB


Received and noted a report from the Corporate Director of Adult and Community Services on the Adult and Young People’s Needs Assessments and Treatment Plans for 2010/11 which have been prepared by the Barking and Dagenham Drug and Alcohol Action Team.


The Plans set out the direction of travel and priorities that the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership aims to achieve over the coming year and include a range of priorities aimed at improving access to treatment services, better engagement, improved employment, training and housing outcomes and greater joint working between all of the relevant agencies.


Technical Disposal of Unfit Council Dwellings pdf icon PDF 58 KB

Additional documents:


(The Chair agreed that this item could be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency under the provisions of Section 100B (4) (b) of the Local Government Act 1972.)


Received a report from the Corporate Director of Customer Services on a proposal to classify as ‘technical disposals’ a number of unfit Council properties within the Housing Revenue Account (HRA), which would reduce certain liabilities to the HRA.  Noted that this process does not oblige the Council to formally dispose of the properties and that they can be returned to the HRA and be available for re-letting at any point after the necessary remedial works have been carried out.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council to maintain a robust HRA, to:


  (i)  Resolve to dispose of the Council dwellings listed in Appendix A to the report; and


  (ii)  A further report being presented to the Executive on any formal proposal to dispose of any of the properties listed.


Bill Murphy, Corporate Director of Resources


The Chair placed on record the Executive’s appreciation and best wishes for the future to Bill Murphy who will shortly be retiring from the Council.