Agenda and minutes

Community Safety Partnership
Wednesday, 28 March 2018 10:00 am

Venue: Conference Centre, Barking Learning Centre, Town Square, Barking

Contact: Jade Hodgson, Parntership Boards Business Manager 

Note No. Item

2 minutes


Introductions and Apologies for Absence


The chair welcome everyone to the Board and introductions and apologies noted. Fiona Taylor introduced herself as the newly appointed CSP Chair.


2 minutes


Declaration of Interests

Members of the Board are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.


No declarations of interest to record.


5 minutes


Minutes and Action Log - To confirm as correct pdf icon PDF 136 KB

Additional documents:


Minutes and actions were confirmed correct. The chair asked members to update on actions before the next partnership board in June.

Action 1: Protocol for HMO is in hand.

Action 4: Crime and Disorder Strategic Assessment completed, action closed.


5 minutes


CSP Chairs Report



The chair outlined the proposed changes to the CSP chairs report. It was agreed that the report will become a partnership update to give partner organisations the opportunity to highlight areas of concern and areas that require support from the board to ensure the CSP is proactive. The chair noted overlapping areas which need to be addressed to ensure all areas of the board are effective. The Chair welcome input from partners on effective changes to the board and highlighted the idea of reducing the meeting times. Fiona Taylor will continue to meet partners for introductory discussion.



15 minutes


Safer Neighbourhood Board Updates pdf icon PDF 63 KB


The lead for the Safer Neigbourhood Board was not present. The chair requested for all comments, if any, on the Safer Neighbourhood Board updates to be sent to Jade Hodgson to feed back to Steve Thompson.



SNB Open Public Meeting (February 2018) pdf icon PDF 171 KB


SNB Minutes - 08.03.18 pdf icon PDF 197 KB

25 minutes


Subgroup Updates pdf icon PDF 65 KB


Safer Borough Board pdf icon PDF 121 KB


Jonathon Toy gave update to the board on the progress of the SBB.

  • Priority 1: Safety in town centres, high volume issues within certain key locations in the borough. PSPO for Barking Town Centre in force since w/c 19th March to address issues around ASB, aggressive begging, drinking etc. Liaison with voluntary organisations has taken place and agreed more street presence like street pastors.
  • Priority 2: High volume of residential burglary and theft of motor vehicle.  Evident links between the two areas.
  • Priority 3: Fire safety in residential properties, expanding personal evacuations plans.
  • CSP is required to develop a strong communication strategy, addressing perceptions of crime and safety to support the subgroup.


Rita Chadha highlighted that in light of General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) it would be helpful to review the information sharing protocol to ensure protocols remain effective.


ACTION: Review of Information Sharing Protocol in light of GDPR. Update from Dan James at Junes CSP meeting.



Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) pdf icon PDF 153 KB


Melody Williams and Hazel North-Stephens updated members of the progress in VAWG.

  • The subgroup has been focusing on workshops to shape the VWAG strategy. Meetings have been well attended and positive feedback provided to shape the strategy.
  • Heavy focus on domestic violence although VWAG has wider remit. VWAG need to review to see how we can work through the overlapping areas.
  • Requires regular participation from key partners, contact has been made to address attendance.
  • Dan James has provided a lot of information for the VWAG dataset, need to expand data to include data from BHR and CCG.



Children and Young People pdf icon PDF 62 KB


Angie Fuller updated members on the progress of CYP.

  • Targets are underway and the meeting has good attendance.
  • It was requested at the last CSP for the membership to widen to incorporate CSE and victim targets. This has now been completed with Linda Helliar (CSE Lead) and Erik Stein joining the subgroup.
  • One member of staff has been trained to have access to police data.
  • Ending Gangs and Serious Youth Violence meeting has been refreshed and is making progress.

There was a lengthy discussion on changing the Community Safety Partnership approach to gangs and serious youth violence. In summary the following action were agreed:


ACTION: Sean Wilson and Neil Matthews to provide problem solving profile of key gangs and associates for the fortnightly ending gang and youth violence case management meeting (April 2018).


ACTION: Sean Wilson, Neil Matthew and Carol Douch to review current information sharing for both children and adult safeguarding cases.


ACTION: Angie Fuller and Sean Wilson to review current information sharing protocol to ensure that it is fit for purpose.


ACTION: Sean Wilson to liaise with gang’s unit around level of information provided, feedback to members on outcomes.



Managing Offenders pdf icon PDF 75 KB


The representative for the National Probabtion Services provided an update on the Managing Offenders subgroup. The following was noted:

  • Current recruitment for ESG and restructure around IOM in progress.
  • Helpful for borough priorities to inform the subgroup.
  • Focus on Drug Intervention Programmes for those coming out of sentencing, appropriately trained staff.



Hate, Intolerance and Extremism



Rita Chadha updated members of the board on current areas of focus of the Hate, Intolerance and Extremism subgroup. The following points were noted.


  • Currently in an operational phase. Two schools identified around hate incidents.
  • Subgroup are currently developing a strategy going forward, linking with MOPAC.
  • Home office and Charity Commissioner issuing guidance on role of issues to society. Picked up by home office, national body part of steering group.
  • Recommendations of that group will feed into role of civil society which will feed into CSP.


20 minutes


Performance Report pdf icon PDF 184 KB


Dan James presented the performance report highlighting that the data recorded is up until January 2018. Data shows that ASB and Arson are reducing. There are concerns around burglary which has increased by 26%. Despite early decrease in serious youth violence this has also seen an increase since 2015. Data also shows that knife crime is increasing although YOS has seen a slight decrease. Although not recorded in the report there has been an increase in personal robbery.



Performance Report pdf icon PDF 1 MB

60 minutes


Crime and Disorder Strategic Assessment pdf icon PDF 53 KB


The assessment is produced annually by the CSP looking at crime and disorder priorities based on data and information across partner organisations. The assessment allows us to look at data and identify priorities to ensure partnership are cited and committed to the priorities for next 12 months. The assessment is also used to identify emerging trends that will impact CSP agenda.


The workshop provided feedback on the emerging trends and priorities set out locally, regionally and wider cross cutting areas.


Feedback on assessment:

  • Positive feedback on the refreshed assessment, content is well recorded, and assessment is more user friendly.
  • Environmental Crime and ASB additions were welcomed.
  • Worth highlighting / showing where the reduction in MARAC referrals have come from on page 7.
  • Would be useful to look at risk to life crimes for future reporting.
  • Public perceptions to be changed to Residents Survey.

  Feedback on priorities:

  • Beneficial to include perpetrators of SYV, also to include an understanding of who will be collecting data on gun discharge for Keeping Children and Young People safe.
  • VAWG priorities were agreed but need to address borough manifesto to align priorities.
  • Need to be mindful of young individuals being exploited by adults (including those outside the borough) who are being exploited to commit organised crime.
  • Explore changing the robbery priority to focus on IOM.
  • Need clarification on prevent, we need clear line of accountability for where prevent sits. Currently agreed to be included within LSCB.
  • Need to clearly highlight what the borough manifesto targets are as well within the document.
  • More focus on Substance Misuse as a cross cutting issue
  • Emerging Trends – Include MH and wellbeing, support with transition from youth to adult by partners, shew report identifying emerging trends and work around regen, changes to drug markets and organised crime, how changes to finance impact the borough, legislations (devolution CJS, role of Mayor taking on greater remit of Criminal Justice, Brexit)
  • Include perceptions of safety
  • Brexit and its implications need to be included


ACTION: Jade Hodgson to add emerging trends section to the CSP Subgroup reports.

ACTION: Angie Fuller to invite John Poynton from Red Thread to future CSP to bring some learning to members of the board.

ACTION: Jonathon Toy, Fiona Taylor, Rita Chadha, Chris Bush and Teresa DeVito to meet to discuss prevent.

ACTION: Fiona Taylor to liaise with Pat Hayes and Jenny Coombes with regards to a Be First rep on the CSP board.


The development of a trauma informed health intervention model was discussed and requested to be presented at the next meeting.


ACTION: Jade Hodgson to add trauma informed health intervention model to agenda for June CSP.

ACTION: Fiona Taylor to liaise with chairs of SAB and LSCB so information is not missed between the boards.


RC highlighted more work is to be done on victim profile and changes to reporting to understanding why under reporting is an issue locally. Potential to explore whether the insight team can pick this up.


ACTION: Fiona Taylor to liaise  ...  view the full minutes text for item 50.



Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 166 KB


Fiona Taylor asked for members to review forward plan. The chair highlighted it would be useful to have one substantive agenda item at each partnership. If agencies feel that have something to bring forward, please forward agenda items to Jade Hodgson.






No business or comments to report


2 minutes


Date of Next Meeting

Community Safety Partnership Board

Wednesday 27 June, 10.00am

Barking Learning Centre, BLC/Conference Centre (1)


Community Safety Partnership Board

Wednesday 27th June 2018, 10.00-13.00

Barking Learning Centre, Conference Room