Agenda and minutes

Community Safety Partnership
Tuesday, 12 September 2017 2:00 pm

Venue: Conference Room 1, Barking Learning Centre, Town Square, Barking

Contact: Angela Stephens, Support Officer, Community Safety & Offender Management 

Note No. Item

5 minutes


Introductions and Apologies for Absence


Introductions were made and apologies noted as above.


5 minutes


Declaration of Interests pdf icon PDF 96 KB

Members of the Board are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.

Additional documents:


No declarations of interests were noted. 


30 minutes


Fire Safety Post Grenfell Tower pdf icon PDF 18 KB


The Chair asked Stephen Norman to give an update on Grenfell Tower.  Stephen handed over to Jonathan Toy.  Jonathan gave background information to Grenfell.  The fire spread across 24 floors in 18 minutes over 127 flats and 364 households were put into emergency accommodation.


This highlighted issues within the borough as to why it spread, the cause of the fire and the reasons.  Locally we ensured that buildings in the borough do not have the ACM external cladding.  There are 2 blocks that are having the facades removed in Dagenham, they are safe in the way they are fitted but have material that contains Polyethylene and the decision has been taken to remove them even though it is not considered they pose a risk.


In Grenfell Tower there were flats that were being sub-let and households within households.  This Council will be checking every property to ensure that we know who are behind its doors.  All buildings will be checked that are over 9 floors.  An example was given which was a recent fatal flat fire which was found that had been split into two and made into 4 separate flats.  There are 227 leasehold properties and 39 tall towers within the borough. 


The Council are looking at issues with white goods as the fire at Grenfell was started by a fridge/freezer.  Trading Standards are looking at reconditioned white goods being sold in the borough.

We are working with Stephen Norman on retro-fitting sprinklers but the Fire Brigade do not like drilling holes into old pipework.  The final work will be to look at fire doors, opening and closure of doors to ensure they are sound.  A number of blocks have been visited and the programme is accelerating.

Further work around risk assessments will take place and a paper is due to go to Cabinet later this month.


Stephen Norman reported that as he is leading the investigation on Grenfell he is unable to talk about it.  A lot of educational work is taking place and looking into vulnerable people who may be living in tower blocks so that individual systems can be put in.  Stephen advised that we should wait for the outcomes from Sir Ken Knight’s report before doing anything individually. 


Tennant’s Forums are being held next week for reassurance.


There are 5 sheltered housing units in the borough which will be protected first with Telecare systems.  120 people have been identified.  LFB have provided funding to support Canary Systems and Pebbles for vulnerable people in their own Homes.


Stephen informed members that since Grenfell 800 inspections have taken place in London and the LFB have looked back at 100.  1 premises which was a private operation had failed the second test as it had a small amount of ACM and LFB are working with the company to rectify the problem. 


  It was noted that checks had taken place in schools over the summer break and endless templates had been received from the DfE for completion as part  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.

30 minutes


Policing Update - Jane Scotchbrook pdf icon PDF 36 KB


Supt Scotchbrook advised of recent changes to the Basic Command Unit (BCU) and reported that a fifth superintendent will be employed as a deputy for Jason Gwillam and responsible for running HQ functions. 


Supt Scotchbrook reported that they are reintroducing Chief Inspectors as a new structure across the three boroughs.  There will be one in the immediate response strand, and other strands including neighbourhood should also get a Chief Inspector.


The members were advised that Immediate Response has been a challenge across the three boroughs, with three different radio channels which did not work well.


Supt Scotchbrook informed members that the unit had been divided into sectors which are along borough boundary lines as follows:


Redbridge   West

Barking and Dagenham   South

Havering  East


Each sector has an individual radio channel with an Inspector and Sargeant on site and this makes for easier governance.  Supt Scotchbrook reported that performance is now hitting 80-90%.


Discussion ensued around dedicated Ward Officers and Supt Scotchbrook advised that they needed to have them support emergency teams but they are now being brought back to Wards.

Q: Steve Thompson – so we will have dedicated ward officers back?

A: Supt Scotchbrook -  Yes - they will be brought back as soon as possible, 2 officers per ward.


Q: Steve Thompson -  There is a question around getting information out, no-one knows that the ward officers will be returning.

A: Supt Scotchbrook Agreed that communications do not go out widely enough.

Steve Thompson stated that he is still awaiting a reply to his letter. 


Supt Scotchbrook told the members that the command was beginning to settle.  Officers are waiting for tablets which are due at the end of this month which should make a difference.


Supt Scotchbrook also advised that the missing persons policy has changed and those regular missing persons are now deemed absent.  This information is given by the care home and the Met then do not have to attend.


The Chair requested assurance that if we are taking the word of the Care Home whether this poses a risk.  Supt Scotchbrook assured the Chair that no risk was being taken out.


The Chair stated that in the light of the damming response to the risk of missing children where HMIC was not satisfied and child protection arrangements are coming back for re-assessment resource is needed.  Supt Scotchbrook re-affirmed that they are not pulling resources from this strand.  The Chair informed members that the Quarter 3 report from HMIC is awaited. 


Supt Scotchbrook informed members that the next phase is “business as usual”. 


ACTION:  Supt Scotchbrook to establish where the funding for additional resource is coming from.



Steve Thompson informed members that the Ward Panel Chairs are advising that dedicated police officers are missing which is of grave concern and residents see this as an indictment on the BCU model.  Steve Thompson also reported that the present model of BCU is therefore not working and he is awaiting a response on how this will be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.

50 minutes


CSP Sub Groups - 12 Month Plan


a)  Safer Borough – Tim Barfoot

Forward plans were submitted early and finalised with help.  Key targets are violence with injury; anti-social behaviour around Barking Town Hall.  Key actions to focus on VOLT meeting with key partners, repeat victims of ASB and working with partners referred to moped crime initiative of getting them off the streets and looking at where the activity is happening. 


A burglary initiative is planned across the 3 boroughs identifying where burglaries are taking place.  Promoting property marking and visiting neighbours where a burglary has taken place.


School delivery team looking at crime prevention and enforcement of public areas and PSPO for Barking Town Centre.  Focus will be on street beggars, street drinkers and drug users.  There will be a consultation on public space protection orders in October this year for the next phase.  Looking at Broad Street ASB and the PSPO is out for consultation.


The issue of “drifting” (road track racing) on the South A13 with young men.  First operation took place on 11 August and 26 people were fined £100 each on the spot.  A second operation took place last Friday where 23 people were again fined on the spot.


We are supporting work on gangs concerning youth violence and are working with partners.


The Chair stated that we need to be clear on what sub groups are focusing on what so there is no cross-over.  Once plans are in this should become obvious.  The Chair requested that work plans for each sub-group need to deal with activity.


ACTION:  Work plans for each sub group to be sorted between now and end of month and the end report to contain activity.


Discussion took place around the community trigger process when residents are not happy with way things are being dealt with.  The Chair has concerns around this and said “yes” if we are doing it and it will make a difference.  It is not for statutory partners to trigger the process.


Jonathan Toy asked whether dates had been set for the Ward Panel Chair meetings? 


ACTION:  Penny Pyke to set up meeting dates for the rest of the year.  Dates to be run past Steve Thompson before being sent out.


Stephen Norman also stated that he is not aware that the fire safety group under the Safer Borough sub group has met.


The Chair reported that VOLT is the operational mechanism for this and not the CSP partnership group.  The Safer Borough Group should be meeting separately and this should be discussed outside of this meeting.


ACTION:  Matthew Cole to discuss membership with Penny Pyke and Tim Barfoot outside of the meeting for handover.  Stephen Norman to be involved in the Group.


b)  Children and Young People – Angie Fuller

The Youth Offenders Management Group has been extended to incorporate targets and the first meeting is being held in October.  Targets covered include reducing first time offenders, reducing knife crime, reducing first time entrants and to develop a matrix within the borough.  Rob  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.

20 minutes


Mopac Consultation Presentation pdf icon PDF 48 KB

Additional documents:


Matthew Cole reported that the Mayor, MOPAC and MPS are consulting on how the public access and engage with the police going forward.  We are moving away from counters to digital with a channel shift from buildings to on-line.


Discussion took place around the closure of buildings and a letter from the Leader to the Mayor had been circulated together with the Mayor’s response. 


There is an ongoing campaign not to close Dagenham Police Station or any of the 3 counters.  Barking Police Station is the only station proposed to be open 24/7 in the borough.  Fresh Wharf is not a police station or a counter.  Dagenham will lose the front counter.  Cllr. Cruddas has launched an online petition and the Council is campaigning with him on this point. 


An event is being held on Thursday at Dagenham and Redbridge Football Club Deputy Mayor Linden will be attending.  Steve Thompson reported that this conflicts with a labour party candidate selection. 

There are over 2,500 signatures on the petition.  It was noted that the consultation closes on the 6th October. 


Q:  What is the Council’s position in relation to the closure of Dagenham Police Station and Partner’s views?

A:  The Chair stated that it should be remembered that Barking Police Station closed and this should influence MOPAC views that Dagenham Police Station should therefore be kept open. 


It was noted that the police could not contribute to this discussion.


It was agreed that the CSP should respond to the closure as a whole and individual agencies should also respond separately. 


Rita Chadha indicated that CVS would be sending their own submission and legal advice is being taken.  Rita also reported that the Consultation Institute had reported that this was possibly the worst consultation this year. 


ACTION:  Rita Chadha to send link to members of the Consultation Institute website.


Discussion ensued around the closures and Steve Thompson advised that there is a question around vulnerable people as there are always people in the station. It was noted that Dagenham Police Station has one of the highest footfalls. 


MPS are retaining 43 stations and Members agreed that Barking and Dagenham need one of them. Contact counters do not work unless they have regular presence.  Discussion ensued around the estates police being based at Dagenham and the Chair recommended that we could strengthen our response with the fact that the Estates police are based there.


Angie Fuller indicated that the closure would pose a risk as we utilise Dagenham Police Station for youth offenders and for sex offenders to report to.


ACTION:  Event to be pushed out through our communications channels.  Residents are needed to attend.  Matthew Cole to ensure that a communications officer attends.  Council Officers, Councillors to tweet from meeting using #SOS Dagenham.


Melody Williams indicated that we should focus on the function to be retained rather than the building with the rationale to keep the service close to residents.


15 minutes


Performance Report pdf icon PDF 94 KB


Matthew Cole gave a quick overview of overall performance.  ASB is amber, criminal damage down.  Burglary has gone up across the BSU and is rated Red for us.  The figures are not good for first time entrants into the Youth Justice System compared to London.  Another area of concern is with MARAC and the number of repeat referrals.


The Chair asked for any comments or questions from Members.


Stephen Norman advised that the probable number of repeat referrals that come in should be around 26% dropped from 23% to 17.1%.  There is a risk that people become the victims again and we are not identifying this.


Hazel North-Stephens informed members that a fair bit of work is being done using the data from Central Police so that it can be married up against MARAC and we can look at other agencies by flagging and tagging. 


The Chair advised that we need to think about those people affected and ensure that they are signposted to the relevant services.

Hazel North-Stephens reported that RFG data enables us to see this information and examine every single name.  This is new to us over the last two weeks.


ACTION:  Melody Williams to pick up RFG data with Hazel North-Stephens



Safer Neighbourhood Board - Chair's Report pdf icon PDF 69 KB


Steve Thompson reported that there are 4 meetings held per year two of which are Board meetings and two open meetings.  The next meeting is being held at Barking Learning Centre on the 28th September at 18:30.  Posters have been displayed in libraries and the Council is using social media to promote the meeting. 


Note for CSP Members:  The SNB meetings will be held before the CSP meetings so that it can dovetail in. 



Chairs Report pdf icon PDF 840 KB


Chair’s Report for noting and was circulated with the agenda.



Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 41 KB


The Chair reported that there appears to be only one item “Restore London Presentation” that is not a standard item.  We need major discussion topics to go on as agenda items.


5 minutes


Any Other Business


Membership:   Stephen Norman queried the membership of the group as circulated with the agenda.  It was noted that an old list had been attached and a new one was circulated at the meeting.


The Chair advised that she was proposing to invite Anne Graham to future meetings as she will be the Operational Director for YOS when the services moves over to her.  Members agreed.


The Chair agreed to write to CRC to see if Lucy Satchell-Day wishes to attend CSP or Managing Offenders Sub-Group or if a representative can be nominated.


2 minutes


Date of Next Meeting

Community Safety Partnership

Wednesday 13 December 2017

13.00 – 16.00

Venue: Conference Room 1, Barking Learning Centre


Wednesday 13th December


Barking Learning Centre, Conference Room 1