Agenda item

Padnall Lakes - Section 73 Agreement - 22/01492/VAR


The Senior Development Management Officer (SDMO), Be First Development Management Team, introduced a report and presentation on an application from LBBD for minor-material amendments for the development at Padnall Lake, Padnall Road, Romford as detailed below:


A variation of conditions: A2 (Approved Plans); A3 (Maximum Quantum of Floorspace); B2(Approved Plans); C1 (Contaminated Land); C2 (Phasing Plan); C3 (Construction Management); C4 (Archaeology); C5 (Materials and Balconies); C6 (Electric Vehicle Charging Points); C7 (Landscaping Details); C8 (Tree Protection); C9 (Landscape and Ecological Management Plan); C10 (Piling Method Statement); C11 (Child’s Playspace); C19 (Renewable Energy Infrastructure); C21 (Air Quality); C28 (Noise); C29 (Circular Economy) attached to planning consent 20/01686/FULL (as amended by non-material amendment reference 22/01415/NONMAT) for a ‘Hybrid' planning application which sought detailed planning permission for Phase 1 and outline planning permission for Phase 2 (all matters reserved) for the erection of buildings comprising up to 219 residential units (Use Class C3), open space and public realm, means of pedestrian and vehicular access and circulation, car parking and cycle parking, and associated works; and detailed planning permission for the erection of buildings ranging between 2 and 6 storeys (Plots 1, 2 and 3) comprising 70 residential units (Use Class C3) and 181 sqm (GEA) of non-residential floorspace (Use Class D1), open space and public realm, parking and cycle parking, plant, other associated works; and associated infrastructure, dated 5th March 2021, to allow minor material amendments to the detailed component comprising amendments to the facades and floor plans of Plot 1 and Plot 2, removal of Block 2 , relocation of energy centre from Plot 4 to Plot 2, associated landscaping and works; and minor material amendments the Outline Component comprising amendments to Open Space, Access and Circulation, Maximum and Minimum Building Heights, and Building Plots.


In addition to internal and external consultations, a total of 906 notification letters were sent to neighbouring properties together with the requisite statutory and press notices, to which three responses were received, the material planning considerations of which were addressed in the planning assessment set out in the report.


In response to the officer presentation, several questions were asked by the Committee which the officer addressed and included issues associated with the proposed flat roof design, reasons for the removal of both the ‘green roof’ in block 1, and the proposed community space, as well as clarification as to the overall garden space within the development.


Anna Sinnott, Be First Planning Consultancy Team representing the applicant provided a brief overview of the amendments proposed, and in doing so also sought to address a number of the questions raised by the Committee as set out above.


The SDMO stated that the proposed amendments outlined in the application would ensure the delivery of a high-quality scheme providing 289 homes in 100% affordable housing tenures. No increase in the number of units was proposed but the development would deliver a high proportion of much needed family sized housing, thereby helping to address an acute need for more affordable family sized housing in the Borough. The proposed amendments had been independently reviewed by the Quality Review Panel and were considered to maintain the same level of quality as that previously consented.


The alterations to the development would result in an additional 2,262sqm of open space, allowing for a number of enhancements to be made to the proposed landscaping scheme. Attractive gateways would be provided into the site, around the existing pedestrian subways, which would make the area feel safer and increase accessibility for all residents. In addition, impacts to neighbouring amenity, such as the daylight and sunlight provision to existing dwellings would overall improve significantly.


The agreed master planning principles of the extant permission, including the linear form of the buildings and the provision of a high-quality landscaped park remained unchanged. However, the proposed changes would allow for improvements to energy consumption and sustainability. All planning obligations and financial obligations would remain almost entirely the same, with one key change being the provision of an additional car club space.


The proposed amendments would result in a number of improvements to the scheme, whilst ensuring that it could continue to deliver 100% affordable housing with a high proportion of family sized dwellings. The design of the proposed dwellings and the associated landscaping were considered to be of a high-quality, retaining all key masterplan principles secured previously. The development was therefore considered to comply with planning policies and all key tenets of the extant planning permission, and on that basis,


The Committee RESOLVED to:


1.  Agree the reasons for approval as set out in this report,


2.  Delegate authority to the Director of Inclusive Growth (or authorised Officer), in consultation with the Head of Legal Services to grant planning permission based on the proposed updates to the legal agreement in Appendix 8 and the Conditions and Informatives in Appendix 7 as detailed in the report, and


3.  If the legal agreement was not completed by 19 June 2023, then delegated authority be granted to the Director of Inclusive Growth (or authorised Officer), in consultation with the Head of Legal Services to refuse planning permission, extend the timeframe to grant approval or refer the application back to the Planning Committee for determination.




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