Issue - decisions

Thames Accord Limited Contract Review - Update Report

04/10/2007 - Thames Accord Limited Contract Review - Update Report

Further to Minute 121 (19 December 2006), received a progress report on the Council’s housing repairs and maintenance contract with Thames Accord Limited and a summary of the annual review and 3rd and 4th quarterly reviews for 2006/07.


Agreed, in view of the significant improvements in the operation of the contract, to:


(i)  The continuation of the Contract on new and / or varied terms and conditions as provided for under the terms of the 10 year contract;


(ii)  Authorise the Corporate Directors of Customer Services and Resources to act on behalf of the Council in relation to (i) and to agree any necessary changes to the Contract;


(iii)  The final account figure for Year 4 of the contract being determined as £25.4 million (£20.4 million Target Price work and £5 million for named schemes and other works); and


(iv)  Delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Customer Services to sign-off future contract annual reports.