Issue - decisions

Service Standards

14/11/2003 - Service Standards

Received a report seeking the adoption and publication of Service Standards across the Council.  The Comprehensive Performance Assessment self-assessment identified that the Council did not currently have information about all its services.


Agreed, in order to provide better information to the community about Council services, to:

  1. The Council’s Service Standards in the format set out in the report;
  1. The final draft of the Service Standards be agreed in consultation with the Leader of the Council;
  1. The January 2004 edition of the Citizen to be a special issue devoted to the Service Standards;
  1. The Standards being publicised on the Council’s website;
  1. The Service Standards to be reviewed in light of targets being set and improved on a constant basis; and
  1. A full review of the Service Standards to be undertaken once every three years, and that the review of these Standards will be integrated into the Customer First programme.