Agenda and minutes

Community Safety Partnership
Wednesday, 8 December 2021 10:00 am

Venue: Conference Centre, Barking Learning Centre, Town Square, Barking

Contact: Jade Hodgson, Community Safety Partnership Policy Officer 

Note No. Item

2 minutes


Introductions and Apologies for Absence


Councillor Mullane, Community Safety Partnership (CSP) chair opened the December CSP board and apologies were noted.


2 minutes


Declaration of Interests

Members of the Board are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.


No declarations of interest to note.

5 minutes


Minutes pdf icon PDF 110 KB


The September CSP board minutes were approved. The following actions remain outstanding.


ACTION: CSP Board Chairs to jointly write to NELFT for a deputy representative to be identified.

ACTION: Chris Lyons to link in with MPS to share comms for Safe Haven rollout.

ACTION: Paul Trevers to provide update to board members on the police encounter panels.


15 minutes


MOPAC pilot GPS tagging for domestic abuse perpetrators on licence pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Additional documents:


The MOPAC funded pilot has been running since March 2021 and is currently in place until 31 March 2022. This pilot is aimed at individuals who are being released from a custodial sentence on licence for a domestic abuse offence and can be subject to GPS monitoring for up to 6 months.


·  The pilot allows for exclusions zones, reporting to specific services or places and trail monitoring to allow probation to look at where they are spending their time, movements and behaviours.

·  GPS conditions are not voluntary and are enforceable if not adhered too.

·  GPS can be tailored to each individual and does not require the wearer to be at home or provide an address so can be less restrictive than a curfew.

·  GPS tagging has been piloted over a several cohorts, the domestic abuse pilot has been introduced following enquiries with MAPPA, S-TAC, MPS colleagues, and probation. There is a clear match between GPS licence conditions and domestic abuse risk management conditions.

·  The aims are that offenders subject to GPS can have behaviours challenged to have a positive impact, improve the management of risk posed to past, current and future partners and other known adults and children, act as a deterrent to domestic abuse perpetrators, increase effectiveness of enforcement and managing compliance with licence conditions.

·  The eligibility for the pilot is that individuals must be over 18 years, serving a sentence for domestic abuse related offence, released from a London prison to a London address, released before pilot end date and assessed as posing a high or very high risk of serious harm.

·  Interest zones can be applied such as a child’s school, ex-partners place of work to see if the offender is spending time within these locations. Interest zones are not enforceable but can be applied to their GPS tagging for information purposes. This could also include positive places like a placement of work.

·  Probation can receive heat mats part of trial monitoring.

·  Around 100 cases have been fitted with GPS tag, 3 cases in B&D. One has returned to prison following breach of exclusion zone and the other 2 cases are live and being monitored.

·  Feedback has been positive and allows for robust risk management. Data can be requested by partners directly to the provider where this will support work or investigations.


ACTION: Laura Norton to share existing knife crime pilot findings to CSP Board members as the DA pilot does not have sharable findings at this stage.


15 minutes


First Time Entrants pdf icon PDF 645 KB


First Time Entrants (FTE) continues to be a priority for LBBD, at the end of 2020 LBBD had the highest rate of FTE into Criminal Justice System (CJS) across the country and have consistently remained above national and regional averages and in the top 10 for the last 5 years.


·  FTE are young people under 18 years who are arrested and received a substantive outcome for an offence, those who are charge straight to court and receive a conviction and those who receive a youth caution or conditional caution which is an alternative to being charged to court.

·  Young people can engage with the YOS voluntarily through an out of court disposal via community resolutions given from the MPS. These do not count as an FTE and can only be applied where there is an admission of guilt.

·  YARM has positively impacted FTE numbers, only 5% seen by YARM are entering the CJS.

·  LBBD are above the national and London average for FTE since 2017, from 2019 onwards the trends have decreased, data is only available until 2020 which saw LBBD ranked 5th.

·  We have rag rated ourselves as Amber due to positive changes but aware needs to be done.

·  The YOS Board monitor FTE on regular basis and an FTE task and finish group has been developed to provide the opportunity to look at gaps, areas which we can have a positive impact, improve the quality of provision for young people.

·  10 randomly selected cases have been looked at to identify key themes, these deep dives highlighted that 80% were known to CSC on CIN or CSP Plan, 50% witnessed domestic abuse, nearly 60% witnessed either a parent or sibling abusing substances, 62% had a change or inconsistency in primary care, 40% experienced significant loss, 60% were excluded from school or struggled with engagement/attendance, 60% were previously arrested and no further action taken by MPS and 30% being released under investigation and 50% were also a victim of crime.

·  The FTE subgroup are identify who at point of arrest who may be eligible for out of court disposal there is a menu of resources for positive diversionary activities that can be offered and applied

·  The next steps are to deliver training to identify how partners can intervene earlier, ongoing review of FTE data and an annual deep dive of FTE to identify changes to trends and themes.


Nathan Singleton questioned how many young people investigated do not come an FTE and the 5% of those linked into YARM that do enter CJS do we know numbers if they didn’t receive YARM. We have only just started to receive RUI data from MPS on a national level across London so the first time we have seen this, we only have this on an East Area level. Angie Fuller also advised there isn’t a control group for YARM.


ACTION: Paul Trevers to look into what local data MPS have access to focusing on those released under investigation that could  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.

15 minutes


MPS Update on Street Violence pdf icon PDF 90 KB


Gordon Henderson provided an update to board members on Street Violence.

·  The MPS control strategy remains same.

·  The priorities remain as serious violence and safeguarding, the local priorities are robbery, burglary, serious violence and domestic abuse.

·  Key challenges are public confidence following the murder of Sarah Everard and recently 2 officers sentenced following their actions around the crime scenes and moving out of covid and MPS response to the changing picture. 

·  LBBD the violent crime picture fluctuates, in September-October 2021 there was a reduction in violent crime, however the data to TTCG for mid oct-mid Nov shows an increase in violence crime from 24 incidents up to 31 incidents

·  Robberies have stabilised following a focus on the hotspot locations which included transport hubs and martins’ corner.

·  Barking Town Centre is a hotspot for sexual offences with 11 offences between August and October 2021. MPS are unpicking data to focus on what is causing hard to women. Previously reported on all offences involving a woman, this is being reviewed to ensure the data focuses specifically on VAWG relation crimes. This will also include a focus of road rage incidents. 

·  An Operation has been launched to deploy a que car (unmarked car) in town centres to identify if there are any groups of men focusing attention on women, they will task uniformed officers to approach and speak to those groups. This will mean an increase in uniformed officers.

·  MPS thanked B&D council for providing funding, through TTCG MPS have been able to allocate further resources £13,000 until March 2021 to allow visibility patrols, hotspots and targeted violence and offending. Response team colleagues have done an additional 4 hours in BTC as hotspot areas following the last TTCG. The TTCG will monitor the benefits and impact.

·  Areas of support required are reviews of parks and open spaces looking at patrols, design out crime, CCTV. Abbey Ruins raises concerns of sexual offences and exposure offences. Review of transport hubs and CCTV around the stations and hubs. Look at data from last 7 days it is clear most violence offences and robbery across east area is focused in and around transport hubs.

·  Paul Trevers noted the Violence Suppression Unit (VSU) will be deployed to the hotspots and current crime demands. Violent crime reduction data highlights hate crime has improved up to 9.6%, knife crime 13.1% robbery 6.4% rape 2.7%. early days, MPS will continue to focus on this to improve crime solve rate.


Councillor Mullane noted that 11 sexual offences seem low, do MPS feel there is an issue with reporting? If we look at violence crime and overlap with LAS and cases reported into A&E departments shows disparity in reporting, under reporting is evident so this would suggest the same for sexual offences. Councillor Mullane also highlighted the need to keep a focus on Heathway and Becontree with the focus of BTC to ensure there isn’t displacement.


Steve Thompson raised the focus of E-Scooters at the SNB questioned what action is being  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.

15 minutes


Women's Safety Presentation pdf icon PDF 1 MB


A presentation was provided on the work strands around women’s safety across the partnership.

·  In April 2021, following the murder of Sarah Everard the council launched the Women’s Safety Survey for residents to map areas where they feel unsafe in the borough. 282 residents took part resulting in 408 pins. These findings were fed through the IVOLT and into the CDSA and CSP Plan. The data was analysed to look at the hotspot locations to help inform the Safe haven scheme and findings supported funding bids to deliver services and interventions to improve safety.

·  Safe Havens is a scheme working with local businesses to provide a safe space for residents if they feel unsafe of vulnerable in a community setting. Local data and findings from the women’s safety survey have been used to identify where safe havens will be required, the types of venues and times in which they will be beneficial. Consultation with young people through schools and BAD Forum was undertaken to design the logo, and ICE cards and information and advice pack for businesses were designed. A coordinator post is being developed to manage the roll out and coordination of the scheme. The CSP team continue to map businesses, connecting in council community hubs, and taking learning from street space pilot on perceptions of safety.

·  Street Space Station Activation pilot looked at perceptions of safety at Barking Station. This led a project that looks at different ways to change perceptions of safety at the station. Through the MHCLG Welcome Back Fund the CSP team commissioned an 8 week pilot to create spaces for performances, greening the area, displaying local artwork to connect people to the area. This commenced on 07th November 2021 running until the end of December 2021.

·  Councillors’ walkabouts were conducted following the women safety survey visiting hotspot areas to look at issues and engage with residents. The 3 locations visited were the Heathway, Chadwell Heath and Barking Town Centre. Findings have been worked up in to an action plan.

·  The CSP Team applied for Safety of Women at Night (SWAN) Fund to fund, coordination of safe havens, tootoot real time reporting app and bystander training. Only one borough in London received funding, however we are exploring other funding opportunities.

·  Women’s Night Safety Charter was launched by Mayors Office which sought organisations to nominate a champion to actively promote women’s safety at night, to train staff to ensure women who report are believed and how to record and respond. The Council will be signing up and actively encouraging local businesses in the borough.

·  An Environmental Visual Audit (EVA) was conducted by the MPS which resulted in 3 detailed reports for Barking Station/Station Parade, Wakering Road, and East Street/London Road. This is being monitored and delivered through the Barking Town Centre Action Plan meeting.

·  Street Safe pilot website where residents can report areas where they feel less safe has been launched, similar to LBBD women’s safety survey. The data is shared with the police basic  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.

10 minutes


Community Safety Partnership Plan pdf icon PDF 115 KB

Additional documents:


Following the approval of the Crime and Disorder Strategic Assessment (CDSA) by the CSP Board in September 2021 a review of the CSP Plan has been conducted. Like the CDSA this will be the final annual review and a new plan and assessment will be drafted next year with the support of the partnership.


·  The CDSA highlighted that the CSP priority areas and structure are still relevant, therefore no changes were required within the plan.

·  The data slides on the makeup of the borough and crime and disorder were reviewed to reflect the data from the recent CDSA.

·  We have reflected the updates to the Safeguarding Childrens Partnership.

·  Added in prevent referral email under information and advice.

·  In partnership with the CSP subgroup chairs the priority areas were reviewed to ensure the focus and monitoring focus remains relevant and any new areas of work are reflected within the plan. The following areas of work were added to the plan.

o  Women’s and girls’ safety focusing on safety within a public space – IVOLT

o  Governance of the LBBD VRU Serious Violence Action Plan – IVOLT

o  Delivery of MOPAC priorities – IVOLT

o  Implementation of ECINS for IOM cohort – Reducing Reoffending

o  Collating data sets to inform the Reducing Reoffending subgroup

o  Delivery of National Referral Mechanism (NRM) and Harmful Sexualised Behaviour (HSB) Pilots – Contextual Safeguarding and YOS Boards

o  Delivery of Your Choice CBT Programme – Contextual Safeguarding and YOS Boards

o  Implementation and monitoring tension reports through community and school reporting – Hate Crime and Tension Monitoring

o  Implementation and monitoring of racist and hate graffiti to identify hotspot locations – Hate Crime and Tension Monitoring


The plan was shared with CSP members and final changes reflected; we are now seeking approval of the refresh from CSP members. Board members approved the plan and confirmed the agreement for this to be published onto the council website.

15 minutes


LBBD VRU Violence Reduction Action Plan pdf icon PDF 306 KB


The CSP are required to develop an annual LBBD VRU Violence Reduction Action Plan that sets partnership response and delivery to addressing serious violence. The template follows the same structure as previous year with the categories as governance, analysis and enforcement, reducing access to weapons’ safeguarding and educating children and young people, working with communities and neighbourhoods to reduce violence, support to victims of violence and vulnerability and positive diversion from violence.


The plan was developed in partnership with CSP Members and includes a range of VRU mandated actions alongside actions developed across the partnership, during development we identified that

·  Consideration is needed to map the process and support package offered to victims across the partnership and the pathways into services.

·  Your Choice CBT Programme is monitored through YOS and Exploitation Team however this only covers young people through YOS cohort, confirmation is required at how all victims will be identified and supported by other partners.

·  Support is required to engage with St Giles Trust to connect safeguarding information from London Trauma and A&E units into the CSP.

·  Support is required from intel capacity and MPS to commit to an annual review of the exploitation strategy.


The board supported within the identification of a lead organisation and support organisation for the final two VRU Mandated actions that were not yet assigned. The draft plan was circulate for final comments on 11 November 2021, we are now seeking approval from the board ready for submission to the VRU on 10 December 2021. The board agreed the VRU plan.

5 minutes


RESTRICTED: Update on LCPF and VRU Grant Funding


Item restricted due to sensitive information.



RESTRICTED: Heathway Tensions


Item restricted due to sensitive information.


5 minutes


RESTRICTED: Prevent Update


Item restricted due to sensitive information.

5 minutes


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 127 KB


The board reviewed the CSP forward plan and agreed the items listed for the March 2022 board. Board members identified the following future agenda items to be added to the forward plan.

·  Update on NRM Pilot – Angie Fuller

·  Victim Support Process – Tarina Evans

·  MPS Drug Strategy – Paul Trevers

·  Schools’ response to ''Everyone invited website '' re sexual harm in school settings – April Bald


10 minutes


Any Other Business


Stephen Port inquest hearings concluded; the coroner having heard the details has no findings of institutional homophobia. Incompetence rather than institutional racism from coroner. Coroner directed as such that police could not incriminate themselves, this has not been the case. Not picking up any tensions at the moment and no policing plan has been implemented at this stage. Hoping for findings by the end of this week and jury to find their finding, local partner messages will be shared for the inquest hearing. Media work is being done in response to the inquest. Stephen Thompson intention to hold a public facing meeting to reassure residents and have any questions answered.



RESTRICTED: Performance Report


No notable updates.


10 minutes


Subgroup Update Reports


Contextual safeguarding and YOS Board – University of Bedfordshire contextual safeguarding pilot ends in April 2022, the subgroup is looking at how to embed processes and ways of working and how best to implement a quality assurance framework to monitoring impact. YARM commissioned workshops with Quinton Green to look at music production around clean drill. The group continue to look at the coordination of funding bids. The Young people’s safety summit will be delivered in 2022 to look at safe and unsafe spaces in a school and community settings which can support the safe haven scheme and wider community safety work.


The Hate Crime and Tension Monitoring group have been looking at hate and tension reporting mechanisms to improve reporting and analytical processes this includes work through communities, schools, council website reports and analysing offensive graffiti hotspots. National Hate Crime Awareness Week took place during October 2021 which provided a range of activities including training and workshops. To date no tensions have been identified that need to be escalated through the CSP however the group continue to monitor areas that can cause local tensions including the Stephen Port inquest.


IVOLT continues to expand in agenda items and membership. The group leads on monitoring repeat caller and LFB data, supporting the delivery of the findings from the EVA, monitoring unlicensed music events, reviewing intel from TTCG to support problem solving in particular locations, addressing hotspots, delivery of community payback and delivery of MOPAC priorities. Standing case conference has seen as decrease in referrals since the implementation of the ASB early warning pilot.


Reducing Reoffending Board has undergone a review and now has a revised ToR for the meeting. A first meeting for the revised board is planned for the new year which will focus on finalising the ToR and identify the themes for the future year board meetings to support deep dives and thematic agendas.


VAWG subgroup is still not in place, the board are exploring a tri-borough VAWG meeting that will support delivery and co-commissioning. Pip Salvador-Jones noted the pressures being felt around VAWG referencing the flag programme. Councillor Worby advised the board can’t afford for this group meeting to not meet. The Community safeguarding lead commissioner interviews are underway, this post leads on the VAWG subgroup and agenda. Andy Opie noted that the board need to make sure we identify the risk around VAWG and the CSP will support childrens and adults commissioning to move forward and support the delivery of VAWG work strands.


ACTION: Councillor Worby to speak with Elaine Allegretti to discuss and identify an interim chair for the VAWG and feedback to CSP.

ACTION: Sonia Drozd to feedback to CSP Members on the Community Safeguarding Commissioner interviews.


5 minutes


Safer Neighbourhood Board Update


SNB have recently held an open public meeting, area that arose from the meeting have been fed into the CSP and MPS. No further areas to note.


5 minutes


Safeguarding Boards Update Report


Item restricted due to sensitive information.

2 minutes


Date of Next Meeting

Community Safety Partnership

Wednesday 30 March 2022, 10.00-13.00pm

BLC Conference Room

Chair: Paul Trevers


Community Safety Partnership Board

Wednesday 30 March 2022, 10:00am-13:00pm

BLC Conference Room (TBC) or MS Teams

Chair: Paul Trevers or Stephen Clayman