Agenda item

Dairy Crest, Chadwell House, Selinas Lane - 22/01424/FULL


The Senior Development Management Officer (SDMO), Be First Development Management Team, introduced a report and presentation on an application from Bridge UK Properties 6, LP at the site of Diary Crest, Chadwell House, Selinas Lane, Dagenham, seeking planning permission for the demolition of the existing structures and construction of three industrial buildings(Class B2/B8/E(g)(iii)), with ancillary offices and associated external yards, accesses from Selinas Lane, pedestrian and cycle access route, hard and soft landscaping, hardstanding and circulation areas, cycle, car and HGV parking, boundary treatment, external lighting, infrastructure and all associated works.


In addition to internal and external consultations, a total of 550 notification letters were sent to neighbouring properties together with the requisite site & press notices. One objection was received from Abbey Concrete Products based in Freshwater Road, Dagenham, the material planning considerations of which were addressed in the planning assessment set out in the report. The applicant had entered into a dialogue with the objector to address the issues raised, and it was noted that subsequent to the publication of the Committee report, the objector’s concerns had been satisfied and the objection had been withdrawn.


Following the presentation, a question arose about public transport accessibility, and in response, the SDMO stated that although access was relatively low, it was mitigated by the fact that Chadwell Heath Station was in walkable distance and that the site was also served by a number of local bus routes.


Another question raised by the Committee concerned the traffic capacity at the surrounding junctions, and in response, the officer stated that this would be addressed primarily through the commitment of the applicant to make a financial contribution of £400k towards highway improvements and upgrades to local bus routes. Clarification was also sought and provided about the extent of the associated traffic assessment and modelling data referred to in the report. 


Anna Sinnott, Be First Planning Consultancy Team, representing the applicant, provided a brief overview of the proposed redevelopment of the site, setting out the economic benefits of the scheme, including £140m of private sector investment, up to 600 new jobs, and a commitment to local employment and apprenticeship opportunities. She explained that the ten high quality modern industrial units would vary in size across three buildings and would have a flexi-use classes designation to allow for a varied range of industrial uses.


She referenced the fact that the scheme had looked to maximise the industrial floor space intensification in line with both the London and Local Plans and linked to the emerging Chadwell Heath Masterplan. Other aspects of the scheme highlighted included the extensive landscaping, the removal of on-site parking and the creation of pedestrian and cycle routes through the site. The applicant was committed to maximising sustainability through an energy efficient buildings design.


Finally in recognising the Committee’s concerns about transport and junction capacity, Ms Sinnott explained that an extremely robust approach had been taken with the transport assessment modelling with the focus being on developing sustainable transport modes such as walking, cycling and use of public transport.

In response to the presentation, a number of further questions were raised and responded to by the applicant representative about noise and vibration in relation to the hours of use, and the intensification compared to the previous operations on the site. Finally, clarification was provided about the commitment and extent of local job creation, both through the construction phase and longer term, as set out in an employment and skills plan, which was a condition to approval of the application.

The officer assessed that the application represented a high-quality scheme, providing a significant amount of flexible industrial floorspace within an area designated as a Locally Significant Industrial Site, which, in turn, would create major employments benefits, generating between 370 and 599 new jobs. The proposed development would activate Selinas Lane and bring back a largely underutilised brownfield site. In addition, the proposed development would make a £120,000 contribution towards affordable commercial / cultural workspace provision elsewhere in the Borough.

The development was supported by a high-quality landscaping scheme, the provision of new public footpaths and improvements to the public highway, safeguarding designated future pedestrian and cyclist paths through the site. It would also contribute towards a study of walking and cycling improvements in Chadwell Heath, as well as £400,000 towards local junction and highway improvements. The proposals included significant provision of on-site renewable energy, through roof-mounted PV panels, to achieve 100% carbon emissions saving on-site, with the development being carbon net-zero in operation, and on-track to achieve a BREEAM ‘excellent’ rating, a high nationally recognised standard.

In conclusion, the officer considered that the recommended conditions and agreed heads of terms, would ensure that any potential impacts of the development would be adequately mitigated, in accordance with the adopted Development Plan and relevant guidance, and therefore, 


The Committee RESOLVED to:

1. Agree the reasons for approval as set out in the report,

2. Delegate authority to the Director of Inclusive Growth (or authorised Officer), in consultation with the Head of Legal Services, to grant planning permission subject to the completion of a legal agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) based on the Heads of Terms at Appendix 6 and the Conditions listed in Appendix 5 of the report; and

3. If the legal agreement was not completed by 19 June 2023, then the Director of Inclusive Growth (or authorised Officer), be delegated authority, in consultation with the Head of Legal Services, to refuse planning permission, extend the timeframe to grant approval or refer the application back to the Planning Committee for determination.




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